Thursday, October 3, 2024

Go Trump!

 Will Trump save us from the nukes

If it hit us we would puke 

Will he bring on world peace 🕊️ 

We can't wait for our superman 

He has many great plans 

Maybe he can save the world 

We all believe he is great 

He could change our fate 

Stay strong and alive Trump 

We need you 

The Future

 If the world explodes soon 

We will all swoon 

What would it be like 

To only ride bikes?

A world like The Book of Eli 

Every day we would sigh 

And remember these days 

When we should have prayed 

Possibly a whole lot more

Don't let religion get you sore 

It is time to pray 

My American Dreams

 My dream for America is that every single person will only have one spouse, not 5. That rape will be 100% illegal. That the witchcraft and evil will end. That people will genuinely love and respect the Bible. I hope that all people will follow God and not a person. I want all children to stay 100% safe 24/7.

I think it is wise that every job that does not make or ship food, teach the Bible, provide childcare or men building houses or buildings should be laid off. All oilfield works should keep their jobs. We need gas, food, and people to watch the kids. Most other jobs are not needed. 

Medical bills should not exist. We give half our paychecks in taxes. All clinics and hospitals should be free. From this day forward.

Student loans should not exist. High school is free. College should be free too.

Why any American has debt; because they wanted to have kids. Oh well. Every human deserves at least one mini me. :) If you didn't have the courage to do that, then that was your decision. Don't prevent all the world from the joy of parenthood. That is mean. Abortions should be illegal after 3 months of pregnancy.

My money history: I have 8 unpaid medical bills. My credit card was settled at a half payment. But I've never gotten an unemployment check. I've worked hard since I was 14. I did the best I could. So has every other American. Give people half their money back banks. Please never zero out accounts again. That is a crazy stunt you pulled. 

A possible gov. letter to the Unemployed:

You will no longer receive free money. Queen Elizabeth :) has stated all people should work for their own money. You are cut off. We still love you and know you will find a job. Good luck to you. 

I wish for the minimum wage to be $18 an hour. Unemployment checks should all end. All welfare and food stamps should be cut off. No one should get free money, no American or other countries get free money. People need to work for their own money. I always have and everyone else should too.

I want freedom of speech to always be real. No one should be silenced ever again. Let people talk. If anything they say angers you, deal with it. Go run a mile to get your anger out. 

I want animal abuse to end. If any person beats an animal they should have all pets taken away from them. If any mom beats a child she should never be around kids ever again. Any child molester man or woman deserves the electric chair after the first crime. 

I want there to be no one starving at all. I want every single rich person to empty their accounts and give every dollar to a poor starving person. I want there to never again be insanely rich people while so many are homeless or starve to death. I want clean water in every country.

My dream for the world is that all weapons and guns will be thrown into the ocean. I want all nations to become Christian and no other religion. I want men to never abuse women or children ever again. If any man hits a woman or child he should be locked up for a year at least.

Feel free to comment other ideas that you have.

May God bless America and the world!


Sunday, September 22, 2024


 It was a hard time 

It was bittersweet like a lime 

The weight of growing a baby 

Leaves you feeling all hazy 

It is a task that seems crazy 

Why hurt your body that much?

There are easier roads to take 

Many women like to fake 

That they want to get prego 

But then they remember 

How seriously hard it is to do 

It mostly just leaves you blue 

Sure it is fun once the new

Baby arrives but it is all so hard 

So very, very hard 😣

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Baby Scarcity

 Less babies do people raise 

Since most are turning gay 

It means less gov. hand outs

But in the future we may all pout

Who will care for the elderly?

When we all get super old

But babies will still get made 

God will make sure of that 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Planned Parenting

 Check out my book Planned Parenting by Lisa Bedrick on Amazon 😃

1 kid or many, what is best?

Raise your own, ignore the rest 

Of the world, be happy 

How many kids until you see 

How lovely love is to feel 

The more love God causes to spill 

Out on you to give to your family 

The little ones really can be 

The best gift we can give ourselves 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Just Believe

 Maybe your past was a dud

But someday you could be with a stud 

Maybe he will be your best bud 

Never give up hope in your dreams 

Things are never as bad as they seem

Today there might be a sadness

But tomorrow there may be gladness 

Pick yourself up when you fall

Every day on God we must call

If at first you don't succeed 

Dust yourself off and try again