Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Loose Your Life

Facebook is such an interesting way of interacting with other people, if you really think about it. At any time or with any post you could have people watching or listening to you, but you have no idea who it is or how many it is. But I suppose we all love Facebook and keep posting things because it’s exciting when someone shows an interest in our lives. And it’s exciting to affect others and the way others might think. So we Facebook away hoping to make our mark on the world, πŸ˜€ to be noticed, to make a difference. But it really is funny, because essentially, we won’t know until we are in heaven how many lives we affected by what we wrote in various posts. 

But I want to encourage any of who are Christian, say as much as you can about God on your page! Be bold about your faith and don’t be ashamed of Jesus! Because the world NEEDS to hear about Jesus! More than anything else every person needs to hear about Jesus and how MUCH God Loves them! Every single person’s life would be 95% better if they knew and followed Jesus. I don’t say 100% because a perfect life is not possible until heaven. But Satan deceives SO many into thinking their life would be 95% worse with Jesus and that is very sad. 😭 But a life in Christ IS the best life possible! I know it is! Following God and staying away from sin is THE happiest life you can have. 

Forget the lies that Satan feeds you that your sin is more fun and brings you more joy then denying yourself and taking up your cross daily. The more selfish we are, the more miserable we become, amen? You all know that in your souls, because God’s law is written on our hearts from birth, but you won’t admit it in your minds. 

And we hate ourselves for being so selfish and messing up relationships around us. 😒 But the more selfless and Christ-like we become, the more joyful our life will be! And the more joyful life will be for everyone around us! 

So don’t believe Satan’s lies that serving yourself is what will make you the most happy! Serve others! And even if they never say thank you, like most of y’all who never hit like on things I write even though I know you’re reading them and kind of like them, πŸ˜† but even if others never say thank you, you still should serve others and try to help others in any way you can, which is why I write all the things I do. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ 

Don’t live for yourself. You will be miserable. Live for God, and there will be so much joy you won’t know what to do with it all. πŸ€—πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ “Whoever wants to save his life will loose it, but whoever looses his life for my sake will find it.” πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ Amen! “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.” Give your advice, your time. Help others and God will greatly reward  you amen! God bless!  

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Yard Sales πŸ€—

This is a GREAT time of year to have a yard sale, and we all have credit cards to pay off right? Lol If you don’t, good job. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ So here’s some tips I thought of on how to have a great yard sale. πŸ€— And these are all things I plan to do at my yard sale I’ll have this Sunday evening. πŸ™‚

1. Play music, like fun dance music πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜‰

2. Smile and be friendly

3. Try to not put clothes on tables. They get messed up quickly and are hard to look at. ☹️

4. Try to not put too many clothes on a clothing rack or you can’t look through them well

5. Price everything the same. Like at my sale everything will be $5 to make it easy for people to know prices. 😁 I love how everything is $1 at the dollar tree so that’s where I got the idea. πŸ™‚

6. Have free candy πŸ™‚

7. Use red table cloths on tables because red attracts attention and generally is a color that makes us all feel happy and alive. πŸ˜€

8. And if you have a grill, cooking and selling hot dogs could be fun too. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ

I hope you all try having a fun yard sale party! It’s a nice way to meet the neighbors too. πŸ˜‰

May God bless you all!

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Main Problems in the U.S.

The 3 biggest issues in our nation that seriously need to change: abortion, pornography and psychotropic medication, because the medication is the root cause of all the mass shootings.

Notice I did not say homosexuality is one of the biggest issues that needs to change in our nation, because homosexuality is caused by child abuse which is caused by pornography. Pornography is what needs to be STOPPED. Until it is, child abuse will only increase and more and more people will become homosexual. The root issue is for sure pornography.

Babies and Birth Control


At church yesterday at Grace Bible in Georgetown, love that church, two missionaries shared about their work in Neema Villiage in Tanzania, an orphanage for babies who are literally left out to die all over Tanzania. 😭 The death rate of mothers in that country is  very high, due to most women not giving birth in a hospital, so if a mother dies her babies are left and abandoned in all kinds of crazy places. So sad. 😭 I was crying the whole time they were sharing about it. All I know is from now on I will give most of my tithe to Neema Villiage for sure! 

But it made me think about babies too, and all the ways we try to stop babies from being born here in the US. Of course abortions are terrible, but birth control methods can be too. Many can cause cancer and all kinds of horrible side effects. Birth control pills are the most commonly used. But I feel God wants me to warn all you women about those. You cannot try to stop the natural flow of life without causing an equal and ooppsite reaction, meaning you WILL have side effects and damage your body by taking birth control pills. I understand fully not wanting to have a baby. I am happy with my two and don’t want any more but let me let you in on a little secret ladies. πŸ˜‰ You DON’T need birth control pills or any other form of birth control. All you need to do is the pull out method. You can google that. πŸ˜€ It has effectively worked for my husband and I for 3 years now. Don’t take birth control pills. Please. Just do that. 

And I am not encouraging any of you young women to have sex. If you aren’t married you shouldn’t have sex. If you want to have sex, get married. πŸ˜‰

May God bless you all! 

Email to President Trump

My email to President Trump that I submitted on their official website. I hope he will read it! One website said about 10 of these emails submitted on this site get forwarded to him every day. So hey you never know. You might actually get your email read by Trump, so try writing him.
To Trump:
Hi I just wanted to make a HUGE suggestion. I love that you are trying to stop child molesters, but the SOURCE of their sickness and sexual addiction and perversion is FOR SURE pornography. It would be SO AMAZING if one president could finally shut down ALL the porn websites and the porn stores and shut down any maker of porn magazines and porn movies. PLEASE President Trump I pray that you might try to do that. If you really want to make America a better place, that would be the number ONE first step I think. May God bless you in all your endeavors and thank you for all you do!

Here is the website to email Trump. :)

May God bless you all!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Satan’s Voice vs. God’s Voice

How do you know when Satan or God is speaking to you through someone you know when they are trying to advise you on things to do? It’s hard to tell sometimes. 

But it’s important to realize that both God and Satan CAN speak through people to us, so be on your guard. 

Generally if it’s God speaking through another person it will be encouraging and if it’s Satan, it will be discouraging. 

Here is a biblical example for this: “Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” You ever think of why did Jesus call Peter Satan? Because Satan was speaking through him that’s why. πŸ˜‰ Before Jesus said this, Peter was trying to discourage Jesus from dying on the cross. That was a Satan inspired word from Peter because it was meant to keep Jesus from fulfilling his calling. ANY advice from anyone where the person is trying to discourage you in your calling that you KNOW God called you to is from Satan and not God. 

Stick to your callings always. Listen to God. and only to people when they echo what you know God is telling you. πŸ™‚ Amen. May God bless you all! 
Awesome lyrics from the song “My Life be Like” by Gritz. Love that song!

"The fear of never falling in love, and the tears after losing the feelings of what you thought love was
Like the dirt still up under the rug
Bad characteristics covered in Christ's blood
The joy of new birth and the pain of growing up
The bliss between giving my all and giving up
The highs and lows, paths and roads I chose
In the cold I froze, trying to ease my woes
In this world of sin, clothes too thin to fend
So to God I send, words of help to win
In grumblings so deep letters could never express
So the sound of Ooh Aah beneath my breath projects"

So cool!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Baby Murder by Doctors

“Do to others what you would want them to do to you” right? Would you want your kid to force 7 flu shots on you in 6 months when you are 92 years old?! You would think they were trying to kill you, wouldn’t you? 😞

Let’s just put this in the right perspective; when you are 92 the vulnerability and frailty of your body will be exactly the same as a newborn baby’s is. The effect that 7 flu shots would have on you at 92 is the exact same as it would have on a newborn baby. Have you heard of SIDS? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It is the death of a baby with supposedly no known cause. They blame babies sleeping on their stomachs or blankets or bottles as the cause, but that’s only a diversion or distraction from the truth. It’s the 7 flu shots given to a newborn baby by 6 months you fools!

The only time my older brother went to the ER was after a flu shot. It was a mandatory flu shot he had to get in the army. And they want to give 7 flu shots to a newborn baby?! Really?

And you think you should trust your doctor. Think again.

The Horror of Vaccinations

πŸ‘Ά Don’t Vaccinate Your Baby! πŸ‘Ά

This is mind blowing to me, the current shot schedule for babies and kids. Babies are now given 31! Shots by the time they are 12 months old! 31! Oh the hororr! You can add it up for yourself. Such madness!

Look at this list closely, babies get TWO flu shots at 2 months of age, 2 more flu shots at 4 months! HiB and RV are BOTH a flu shot! And THREE flu shots at 6 months, HiB, RV and Influenza shots. So that is 7 flu shots in the first year of life! What? WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT TO YOURSELF?!?!

“Do to others what you would want them to do to you” right? Would you want your kid to force 7 flu shots on you in 6 months when you are 92 years old?

Also now the notorious MMR is given TWICE instead of once! And the DTaP is given THREE times in a baby’s first 6 months of life! That shot is actually 3 shots in one!

What also is mind blowing to me too in this list is that they don’t vaccinate kids for malaria or even mention it! Of all the vaccines they need to be giving kids, that would be number one I think.

But I really can’t believe doctors are allowed to torture babies this much! Why so many shots in their first year of life when their bodies are so weak? It makes no sense to me. And the MMR was proven to be linked to autism, largely in part because it was 3 vaccines given at the same time. But now they are giving 8 vaccines at one time to 2 month old babies?! EIGHT vaccines at one one time people! Clearly the end is near! So much evil there! Thus saith the Lord. πŸ™‚ And then 2 months later SEVEN more vaccines?! What the heck! Save your children! Don’t vaccinate!

And people wonder why SIDS happens! Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It’s NOT blankets. It’s NOT bottles. And maybe it’s also not mother’s sharing beds with their babies and supposedly suffocating them. What if all infant deaths are from this enormous amount of shots they get?

Think about it, if the medical profession has no problem aborting thousands of babies every year, they don’t care about babies.

I guess parents think by doing all these vaccines they will spare their kid from all future harm. But the child will STILL get colds and flus. Lots of people get even MORE flus who get the flu shot. And worse flus. Ask almost anyone you know who gets the flu shot.  The child might still break bones etc. And I think all the toxic substances in the vaccines could cause even MORE physical health issues, not less, the rest of their ENTIRE lives.

Here is the current recommended, NOT required, except in California 😞, shot schedule for kids. Let’s all say a prayer for kids in California. 😞

Maybe that’s why me, and many people I knew, had recurring nightmares of a tsunami hitting California. This mandatory in CA shot schedule may have been that tsunami. 😒


HepB: Hepatitis B vaccine. Ideally, the first dose is given within 24 hours of birth, but kids not previously immunized can get it at any age. Some low birth weight infants will get it at 1 month or when they're discharged from the hospital. (Hm...why is that?)

1–2 months
HepB: Second dose should be given 1 to 2 months after the first dose.

2 months
DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
IPV: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
RV: Rotavirus vaccine

4 months

6 months
Hib: This third dose may be needed, depending on the brand of vaccine used in previous Hib immunizations.
RV: This third dose may be needed, depending on the brand of vaccine used in previous RV immunizations.
6 months and annually
Influenza (Flu): The flu vaccine is recommended every year for children 6 months and older:
Kids younger than 9 who get the flu vaccine for the first time (or who have only had one dose before July 2017) will get it in two separate doses at least a month apart.
Those younger than 9 who have had at least two doses of flu vaccine previously (in the same or different seasons) will only need one dose.
Kids older than 9 only need one dose.
The vaccine is given by injection with a needle (the flu shot). The nasal spray form is not currently recommended because it wasn't effective enough in recent years.

6–18 months
12–15 months
MMR: Measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles) vaccine
Chickenpox (varicella)
12–23 months
HepA: Hepatitis A vaccine; given as two shots at least 6 months apart
15–18 months
4–6 years
11–12 years
HPV: Human papillomavirus vaccine, given in two shots over a 6- to 12-month period. It can be given as early as age 9. For teens and young adults ages 15–26, it is given in three shots over 6 months. It's recommended for both girls and boys to prevent genital warts and some types of cancer.
Tdap: Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis booster. Also recommended during each pregnancy a woman has.
Meningococcal conjugate vaccine: And a booster dose is recommended at age 16.
16–18 years
Meningococcal B vaccine (MenB): The MenB vaccine may be given to kids and teens in two or three doses, depending on the brand. Unlike the meningococcal conjugate vaccine, which is recommended, the MenB vaccine is given at the discretion of the doctor.

Monday, August 13, 2018


It seems that some parents who vaccinate their children view those who don’t as if they were a terrorist walking around with a machine gun. But that fear is totally illogical, and it is really a spirit of fear. That fear and mentality has been drilled into their minds from countless propaganda articles on Google from Merck, the company who makes and sells vaccines. Here’s why that fear is illogical, the fear that an unvaccivayed child puts a vaccinated child at risk; if a child is vaccinated that means they can’t catch the diseases they are vaccinated for, right? So if an unvaccinated child around them gets  measles, for example, the vaccinated child will NOT get measles because they are safe since they were vaccinated. Right? Unless the parent who vaccinated doesn’t believe the vaccines actually work, in which case what then is the point of vaccinating? 😁