Saturday, August 29, 2020


 I felt God wanted me to write about love.  Most people think they understand love, but clearly they don't, given the way people live and how they talk to others.  The greatest way to show love to others is to respect them.  Even if you don't think someone Deserves respect, you should still respect them.  No matter how old or young they are, what gender or race they are, all people deserve respect.  We are all made in God's image and that is why every single person alive deserves respect.  God loves everyone and that's why we should as well. 

We show love the most with our words.  Compliment others.  Make them feel good.  What is the point in bringing others down and insulting them?  In the end it will only hurt you because what goes around comes around.  You will reap what you sow.  If you insult others they might insult you back or God will cause other people to insult you.  

Another thought on love is a great quote, "Those who deserve love the least, need it the most."  Why?  Because there might be something about their personality that turns others off to them, so they don't get much love from others, and that is why they need it the most. When Jesus walked the earth he loved the unlovable.  He loved those that most would not have cared about.  He showed concern for every single person, and we should too.  

A great way to show how much you love someone is by serving them.  If you are married, do their laundry and take care of the dishes or vacuuming.  Cook for them.  These things shouldn't be one sided.  Both men and women can serve each other in this way.  

So go compliment someone and serve them in some way, and God will bless you greatly for doing so.  Take care ya'll. :) 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Watch out for gluttony.  Those who love themselves too much tend to be gluttonous.  Those who hate themselves tend to starve themselves.  The key is to be somewhere in the middle.  Here are some good verses on the topic of gluttony:

Proverbs 23:20-21 

Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags.

Philippians 3:19 

Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.

Proverbs 23:2 

Put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite.

Proverbs 25:16 

If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, lest you have your fill of it and vomit.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 

Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple.

Psalm 78:18
They tested God in their heart by demanding the food they craved.

Deuteronomy 21:20
This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.

1 Corinthians 6:12
“All things are lawful for me,” you say, but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything.

Ecclesiastes 10:17
Happy are you, O land, when your princes feast at the proper time, for strength, and not for drunkenness.

1 Corinthians 9:27
I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.

Ezekiel 16:49-50
Behold, this was the guilt of Sodom: they had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. They were haughty.

Galatians 6:7-8
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. The one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Romans 12:1-2
Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable.

May God bless you with the ability to take care of yourself well but also to have self-control with food. :)

5 Things that Destroy Lives

 Greed. I think greediness is the number one most ugly trait in a person. This is probably why I was never fully attracted to my ex husband, because he was very, very greedy. He essentially didn't want to share any of the money he made with me, which was always Very frustrating since I was a stay at home mom and couldn't go make my own money. Lazy people are generally very greedy, because they hate to work, so they want to hold on to any money they make very tightly. Don't be lazy. Be a hard worker. And then you won't be greedy anymore.

Laziness. This is the second biggest thing that destroys lives. Look up all the Bible verses on the sluggard. They are very good. I love a talk with Steven Furtick and TD Jakes. Jakes said his parents talked about laziness like it was a disease. And it is actually. It leads to many diseases. Pretty much every illness a person has can come from laziness. When you don't get your body moving, you almost definitely will get sick. Our bodies were meant to work. If you don't work your body in any way, you are lazy and that is disgusting. Work. DO something. Be productive. Otherwise, why do you exist?

Pride. Pride is a very ugly characteristic to have. The people who think Everyone likes them are actually liked by no one because they have so much pride. Prideful people are not well liked because they are selfish. Be humble. Remember to stay teachable. Realize that every person around you has something to teach you. Never get to the point where you think you have nothing else to learn. And Never think you are better then everyone else, because you aren't.

Gluttony. The most disgusting trait anyone can have is gluttony. Don't over eat. Save some food for the children in Africa, so to speak. Seriously, eat less so you can give away more. Don't be overly selfish. Don't spend all your money on just feeding yourself. Don't starve yourself, but realize when you have had enough food and Stop. Be generous with your money. God didn't mean for all your money to only be yours, you are supposed to share it with others.

Atheism. The biggest thing overall that destroys lives is atheism. If you don't believe in God, what is the point of living? What do you live for? I don't know how anyone can function in life without knowing for sure there is a God in heaven that loves them and is watching over them. Why would anyone Not want to believe that? I have never understood that.

I hope this blog edified you and made you wiser. If it made you angry, pray about why it did and what part did.

God bless!

A Rebellious Spirit

 Working at Papa John's has definitely made me a better person.  I always used to have a bit of a rebellious spirit. For example, I haven't always been good about keeping my car registration up to date, and that was wrong.  In my last marriage my ex husband wanted me to stop buying things on Amazon but I refused to stop buying things on Amazon, which really is a big reason why we are divorced now. It's possible that my over spending was one thing that made him go legitimately insane. The reason why I did that though was that I didn't really respect him.  I always viewed him as being far less intelligent then me, so I felt I had a reason to not respect him.  But I should have never married him in the first place if I knew I wouldn't be able to respect him. 

I have had a hard time respecting anyone my entire life.  Partly because I think I'm smarter then everyone else, or more godly, or more attractive etc.  I have had a lot of pride my whole life over my gifts that I know God gave me, but I felt I had reason to feel prideful over them.  And God has always blessed me and provided for me well, so I had pride over that.  That is partly why I have smoked over the past year, to keep me humble. :) It reminds me that I'm not perfect. It's good to try to live perfectly, but if it makes you an arrogant asshole, maybe you should try not being "perfect" for awhile so you can be more humble. 

Mainly I had a hard time respecting people because both my dad and mom were not very respectable people.  My dad molested me as a child a lot.  He acted like a Christian but then he did that, so I had very little respect for him because he was just a pretender.  He was a huge liar.  I always saw him as a con artist.  I saw my mom as almost an equally giant hypocrite because she lost her temper with me several times.  I think people don't realize how much you loose respect with others when you loose your temper with them.  

So I grew up having a hard time respecting adults.  Although in school I respected a TON almost every teacher I had.  I suppose that's why I wanted to teach for so long, because I was thinking those are the only adult people in society that are respected.  But then I tried teaching Junior High students one year and my students did NOT respect me half of the time, which was very hard. :( Maybe God was giving me a dose of my own medicine.  I was reaping what I sowed.  So needless to say that made me give up on the dream of teaching. 

In some of my jobs I have had a hard time respecting my boss and co-workers.  But my level for what I expect of others in order for me to respect them is pretty high and probably unrealistic.  I suppose I am a perfectionist in that.  It takes a lot for me to respect a person.  I always used to love the quote "Respect is not given, it is earned."  And it should be, but our level of what we need to respect a person maybe shouldn't be as high as we think it should be. 

But praise God, I finally have found a group of people that I greatly respect.  I have a very, Very high respect for everyone that I work with at Papa John's.  I posted on Twitter once that you haven't really worked until you have worked at a pizza place on a Friday night.  The amount of stress you have to deal with on a Friday night, and a few other nights, is unlike any other stress you can face in life. And I know because I have worked in several Pre-schools, gone through labor twice and been thousands of dollars in debt, but none of that compares with a Friday night at Papa Johns. :)  You feel like you are making dinner for the entire city you live in, and then after all that you do, people still aren't grateful.  So many people complain about so many things, but all my co-workers take it like champs.  I look up to them all a lot for that. Their level of patience and understanding and forgiveness is Amazing.  They have asked me a few time to be a manager but I don't think I would have the patience to deal with complaining customers.  I literally would just want to say to people, "Deal with it and stop whining.  At least we made you food. Goodbye." :) So that's why I'm not a manager.  I'm just a driver, but I love being a driver. :) 

But I respect a LOT all the patient and loving people I work with that put up with all that and can still stay calm.  Most of the time they stay calm anyways. :) Good job Papa John's friends! 

The level of forgiveness all my co-workers have is so amazing.  We all have to forgive each other so much every day for so many things.  And the managers have to forgive the customers for being difficult a...holes so often.  

So it has made me a much better person working there, from observing everyone I work with and wanting to emulate them.  

At first I didn't respect the job that much.  I always thought, "This is just pizza.  We aren't running the country."  But the longer I've been there, the more I have seen how hard it really is, and I have strived to do my job with excellence and to do everything perfectly.  I had kind of a rebellious and an "I'm better than you" attitude when I started there, like that job was beneath me, as I have felt with most jobs I've had, but God has greatly grown my humility in this time. 

Don't ever consider ANY job to be beneath you.  Any of us are very lucky to have jobs now, with the world the way it is.  So value your job.  Value your co-workers and your bosses.  At least you have friends, if you consider them friends, and hopefully you do. Not many people can say they have a good group of friends.  

Do your job well.  Work as unto the Lord.  Love others well. Be excellent in all things, and you will be blessed. And always be grateful for your job. :)

God bless!

Monday, August 10, 2020

God Loves You

 It's easy for us to complain about our lives, but what about all the ways that God has blessed us? The fact that you are reading this right now means you probably have a phone or a computer and the internet, meaning you are supremely blessed.  If you have those three things I would assume you have plenty of food, water and shelter for which you should praise God for every day.  But we all are so spoiled.  We take our blessings for granted.  We have come to just expect it.  But God could pull the rug out from under any of us at any moment and take away everything we have. The fact that he chooses not to should elicit our hourly praise. :)

People only 30 years ago didn't have all the things we have now.  How can we ever complain about being bored when there are an endless amount of things to watch and read online? 

We are living in the most amazing age for technology in history.  Which would make it kind of sad if God destroys the world in a few years.  But I know God will make a better world after that. :) I'm not worried because I know where I'm going.  I can't wait to fly like a bird in heaven. And I feel like God keeps telling me I will get to rule worlds in the next life. :)

I am quite convinced we are already IN the Great Tribulation. I believe Jesus will come back and rapture the church in about a year.  After that the bowls of God's wrath will be poured out on the earth, as Revelation describes, and all hell will break loose.  I think Christians will have to go through some hard times, but the worst things will happen after we are raptured. 

So if you aren't saved, GET saved.  Simply say, "Holy Spirit come into my heart.  I want you to lead my life.  I don't want to lead it anymore.  I give you full control of everything I am."  And he will come into you and remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.  And you will become the most loving and kind person you ever could be. :) 

God bless!

Serve Others

The greatest cause of depression is selfishness, because we all inherently know we should be serving others in some way, and when we don't, we feel depressed.  That is why the greatest cure for depression is to help someone else in some way.  

For me, I have found my greatest source of joy in making the bracelets I make for 6 years now.  I was starting to feel a bit depressed being just a stay at home mom.  I knew there was more to life then that.  Not that raising a little one is pointless, but I wanted to do more.  Being a stay at home mom is actually a harder job then most realize because you feel very cut off from the world.  You essentially have no friends, except friends that you can call from time to time.  It's just you and your kid(s) stuck inside most of the day.  For the most part, I was happy to be a stay at home mom and I was grateful to get to relax so much, but we were made to help others, and our community at large.  Being cooped up in your house all day every day isn't good for you. Not having much effect on the world isn't good for your mind and spirit.  That is why social media can be beautiful, because it gives life more meaning and purpose.  I recommend Twitter more then Facebook though.  There are many more intelligent people on Twitter. :)

But not serving others in some way is not good for you.  Moms serve their kids, but we all know we were meant to help more people then just our immediate family.  I began my bracelet ministry when my first daughter was about 6 months old.  I think my inspiration for doing so was also that I wanted her to grow up in a better and safer world then the one I grew up.  I was sexually molested multiple times by multiple men.  As a result, I have always had a drive to change the world and make it better and help people BE better.  If you don't like the world, then try to change it, somehow. :) And if you pray about it, I guarantee God will give you some idea of how you can try to make the world a better place.  

I started making my bracelets to try to make the world a better and safer place.  I have probably made about 10,000 bracelets in the past 6 years. It always stressed my ex husband out though, the money I would spend on beads for them, but I needed some way to serve others.  I considered the money for that our tithe, which we argued about sometimes.  He wanted us to tithe to a "normal ministry," but I believed in my ministry and I was determined to keep it going. Needless to say that is probably a big reason we are divorcing now though, because he did not support my ministry.  Sometimes he did, but sometimes he didn't, and that was hard. 

My bracelets have always had phrases on them like "God's Angel" or "Have Faith" or "Fear Not."  I call them self-encouraging bracelets.  I have given them away for free this past 6 years simply by leaving them in bathrooms at gas stations or Wal-Mart etc.  It has brought me a great amount of joy this whole time.  "It is more blessed to give then to receive" and I have definitely experienced that with my bracelets. I feel like they are making a difference.  I believe they are making the world a better place.  And as Jesus said, "According to your faith it will be done to you." Amen? :) 

I got a beautiful confirmation that they are helping others from a cashier at Walmart a few days ago.  That was very nice.  I bought some beads and she said, "I bet you're going to make some beautiful bracelets with these." I said, "Yes I leave them in the bathroom here sometimes."  She said, "Oh that's you!  I've met the star.  They are very beautiful and the words are Very encouraging."  It encouraged me to have her say that.  I really needed some encouragement that day so praise God for that little conversation.

And now I want to encourage you, whatever God has put on your heart as your way to serve others, do it.  Some people like to bring meals to people who are going through hard times.  If I liked to cook I would do that. :)  I suppose I kind of do that as a pizza delivery driver. :) But my bracelets have always been my greatest joy.  I have considered that my calling for a long time.  

I got the idea when I worked on a cruise ship watching the kids about 10 years ago.  One of my favorite things to do with the kids was to sit and make bracelets for hours.  I had the thought when I was doing that, "Man I could do this for the rest of my life like just for fun."  And so 4 years after that I started making my Jesus bracelets, my self-encouraging/gospel bracelets. :) 

I like to think that people wearing my bracelets will feel just a little happier when they wear it or the bracelet will help them be nicer people or more godly.  I had a boss at Chili's who always wore a cross ring.  I said it was cool and she said, "Yes I wear it to remind me to be nicer to people." That gave me the idea that wearing something religious might cause you to act better, and it does. :)

When I was a kid I always wanted to grow up to be a missionary.  I always thought it would be to some other country, but then I realized, America needs possibly More help then any other country does.  We have let our great nation go down the drain.  Why?  Because most people have chosen to forget about God.  I hope my bracelets help people remember God.  Maybe it will help them remember their upbringing in church and then they will go back to that.  :)

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."  Unfortunately most children do depart from church and God for a time.  I know I did.  But we always come back. We always can come back. :) I like to think my bracelets will help people and families want to come back to God.  And I firmly believe the more people cling to God, the better their lives will go.  I Know the more people in America choose to think about God and what He wants and to pray, the better our country will get.  

The theme of the Satanic bible is "do what thou will."  As in, do whatever you want.  But no, we are supposed to do what God wants, right?  When we do whatever we want, we all know, we only get ourselves into trouble.  Left to ourselves we do really stupid things, quite often. What about what God wants?  Doesn't that matter to anyone anymore?  

I hope to remind people with my bracelets that what God wants Does and Should matter.  But also I want people to remember how much GOD LOVES THEM, and giving away free bracelets is the best way I could think of to show that. :) Because what women doesn't want to look more pretty? And I think my bracelets can make anyone look more pretty. :) The core question of every woman is "Am I beautiful?"  I always feel more beautiful when I wear my bracelets, and I hope and pray they have that same effect on every woman and little girl who wears one.  

I make some for men and boys sometimes.  Those usually say "Strong" or "Warrior."  I hope that those bring a lot of encouragement to them as well.  The core question of every man is "Do I have what it takes?"  I like to think my bracelets help to remind them that they do. :)

If I have inspired you, go buy some beads and letter beads at Walmart and have fun making your own encouraging bracelets for others.  I guarantee you will have a lot of fun coming up with words to encourage others and you will Love giving them away.  

May God bless you! :)

Pain and Hard Hearts

 Whatever Satan can do to get us to hate others, he will do it.  God wants us to love others.  Satan wants us to hate others, so he constantly tries to cause people to fight and not trust each other.  Satan is called "the accuser of the brethren" for a reason.  He accuses us to ourselves and to others all the time and tries to pit people against us.  He tells us lies about ourselves to bring us down, and he tells others lies about us to cause them to fight with us.  This is called spiritual attack.  

But you can't believe the lies Satan tells you about yourself.  You have to keep your head up.  When he tells you your world is over or you can't go on, tell him he's a liar and you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you.  Amen?  Amen. :)  When others try to tell you that you aren't doing a good job at home, work, as a parent etc. stand up for yourself.  Believe that you are doing the best you can and don't let others bring you down.  Satan keeps trying to bring us down, but don't let him.  Have confidence and believe in yourself.  

I love the line from a Will Smith song, "Just the Two of Us." "Oh aint no pain from the opposite sex.  It's gonna hurt bad but don't take it out on the next son."  

This is the case for any relationship in our lives.  An ex hurt us so we withhold love from the next person we get involved with. We keep walls up. We stay guarded. We choose to not trust them. But does that benefit us at all?  We think it does.  Satan tells us it does. But in the end we are only hurting ourselves. Why? Because then we don't get to experience the fullness of what love can be. 

Or maybe it's a boss or a co-worker that hurt us and so we choose to have a bad attitude with every single person we work with in the future, because we assume they will hurt us like our other co-worker hurt us.  My dad used to always say, "To assume is to make an ass out of you and me." That is how the word is spelled. ;)  You can't assume that just because one person hurt you that every single person will hurt you.  That is no way to live life.  If you never trust anyone, how can you have friends or love? You live walled up within yourself because you don't trust anyone else and you stay alone. You become hard hearted and jaded.  You decide to turn to ice and be cold with others. 

I know exactly what this looks like because this is what happened to my mom.  She loved my dad but he molested me as a little kid and she then essentially turned to ice.  She stopped loving anyone.  It became almost impossible for her to love anyone after that.  I honestly never felt like my mom loved me my entire life.  It was like she was incapable of love, like her heart was dead. There were tiny moments when I felt that she loved me, but generally it seemed that she had killed her heart.  She decided to kill her ability to love anyone else, because she stopped trusting people. She let herself turn to ice. Also she probably decided that the less she loved others, the less they could hurt her, so she decided to simply stop loving others very much. She became callous and tough. And I modeled that coldness for much of my life as well. 

But no matter what happens, you can't entirely stop trusting people.  Unless you plan to live in the wilderness somewhere, you have to learn to trust people again.  Like a good country song says, "I believe most people are good."  Do you?  Or do you think most people are bad?

The tricky thing about that is whatever you assume people will do to you is generally what they will end up doing to you.  If you assume everyone will leave you or hurt you, they very well might.  "According to your faith it will be done to you," Jesus said.  If you believe people will love you, they will.  Why? Because you give out a confidence and that is very attractive.  But if you think people will hate you, because maybe you hate yourself, you might end up Causing them to hate you.  Then you might say "Well I knew they were going to do that."  But you Caused them reject you, because that is what you expected, and so you caused it. 

We bring about whatever we expect. This is what faith is. You can have faith in God, that he will bring good things into your life, and he will.  Or you can choose to believe that bad things will happen to you, and then they probably will.  Whatever you think will happen to you, is generally what will happen to you.  If you think you will never find love again, you probably won't, because you don't expect that you will.  Your thoughts and words do dictate your life.  

People don't realize how powerful their words are.  You essentially create your own reality through your words, and your prayers.  Most people underestimate how powerful prayer can be.  You have no idea how powerful prayer can be.  But mainly what prayer is, is a training of our minds to want good things and to ask God for good things.  You can bless yourself or you can curse yourself.  You can bless yourself with what you ask God for in prayer or you can curse yourself with worry of all the worst case scenario things that will happen to you.  That is why the Bible says when we pray "the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind."  Prayer keeps us from worry because we bless ourselves.  We fix our minds on good things.  We train our minds to want good things and to believe we deserve good things when we pray.  Think about the Lord's prayer.  What did Jesus tell us to pray for?  Food.  The ability to forgive others, which is to pray for peace.  Did he tell us to pray for anything bad for ourselves?  Of course not.  Prayer is a setting of the mind to desire good things for ourselves.  

A lot of people don't realize how masochistic they are.  It's almost as if they WANT bad things to happen to them.  Why?  Because they think that's what they deserve.  They hate themselves and so they cut their own feet out from under them all the time.  They think others are causing them to fail but actually they are causing themselves to fail.  They think others want them to fail but they are projecting their own desire for their own failure on others.  Why would we want ourselves to fail?  Mainly because a stronghold was built in our mind at some point by Satan convincing us that we deserve bad things.  

Anyone who was sexually abused as a kid feels bad about themselves.  There is this core feeling that you are bad and that all you deserve are bad things, but those are lies from Satan. 

You have to activate your faith.  And what faith is really, is believing that God wants to bless you.  If you don't believe that, you should analyze if you hate yourself and if you really do want bad things to happen to you and why.  

I hope this helped some of you.  May God bless you all! 

Emotions and Demons

 Anytime you are being carried away by strong emotions, you are ALLOWING demons to enter your mind. You are opening a door to them. Fear or worry is the biggest open door for demons to enter your mind and get a foothold over your thoughts. Anger is also a major emotion that can open doors to demons.  There can occasionally be strong emotions that are good, that might benefit us or someone else, but generally our strong emotions are not good. 

That is why it is much better to be a rational person then an overly emotional person.  You don't want to be hard hearted, uncaring or unfeeling, but to live your life based on emotions Will make you go crazy eventually.  The more you let people or situations get under your skin, the more crazy you will feel.  The best thing to do in life is to always stay cool, calm and collected; at peace. We all know this, but we have a hard time doing it. It takes discipline. You Have to learn to control your thoughts.  If you feel any strong emotion work through it, maybe journal about it, and then let it go.  One reason people get depressed is because they simply feel drained from all the emotional roller coasters they LET themselves go on.  Stay calm and pray.  Stay calm and journal.  Just stay calm. :)

Currently the spirit of fear is greatly at work in our world, and there are many, many demons working on people all around the world through this fear.  Satan is using this pandemic a Ton to make everyone terrified of the virus, of other people, of places etc.  Aren't you all tired of being afraid all the time?  Isn't it draining?  Then let it go.  How about you DECIDE to stop being afraid? "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."  Why?  Because fear is the master spirit that Satan uses to debilitate us.  

Fear paralyzes us so much that we don't want to do anything or go anywhere.  This time of the Coronovius has essentially turned every single person into a germaphobe and an agoraphobic person.  Those are two serious psychological issues.  It's Not good to be paranoid about germs or going out.  The media has succeeded, sadly, in making everyone paranoid, but may God can help us. God CAN heal us. He can heal our minds and our paranoia.  It's time to come out of hiding.  

It's time for all of us to STOP being afraid of everything and everyone.  It's time to be a lion and stop being a mouse.  Stop letting the media turn you into a mouse.  Shine for Jesus.  Do what God wants you to do.  Don't hide in a cave all day every day.  Satan would want nothing more then for you to hide in your cave all day every day; your house, your car, your job etc.  But God wants us to work for him and to shine for him.  He wants us to reach out and save the lost.  He wants us to come out of our own little world and to be a light for him.  He wants us to stop thinking about only ourselves and think about others.  The more afraid we are, the more our focus is just on ourselves.  That is why Satan is trying to make everyone afraid now.  He wants our focus to be turned inward so we won't try to help people around us.  He wants us to think "it's every man for himself now."  

God wants us to love others, to help others, to look outside of ourselves, to value others, not to be afraid of them, to give of ourselves in order to help and save others. As long as you keep worrying if others might get you sick, you can't love them, can you? And Satan has won.

Don't let Satan win this summer, this year. Keep loving others, as God would want you to. :)

Sunday, August 9, 2020


 If Anyone is still a Democrat after all the insane stuff they tried to pull to win this upcoming election I would seriously be surprised. I think the sheep skin has been fully pulled off of the wolves this past 5 months.

I can almost guarantee to you that the Democrats created the Coronavirus in China and spread it around the entire world via chemtrails. I used to think believing in chemtrails was insane but now I don't think so. The Democrats want to control the public times 10 and the masks are only the beginning. Limiting cash going into the banks is only the beginning. IF a Democrat is elected in November the next step will be forcing everyone to take the mark of the beast, guaranteed. And the end of the world will follow shortly after.

Please vote for Trump. And seriously, may God bless America and may God help us.


 Have you ever noticed that the more beautiful someone thinks they are, the LESS beautiful they are?  Or the less someone Thinks they are beautiful, or the more humble they are, the more beautiful they actually are.  The Bible says that God hates pride and that he opposes the proud.  We are made in God's image so I suppose that's also why we also hate pride.  

For some reason though, many people love pride, or they think they do.  They love feeling pride and they love people who are prideful.  This is why people worship football players, artists etc. I have never understood that.  Confidence is good, but pride is evil.  Pride causes you to hurt others because you think you are better then them.  I will say I have been guilty of this pride in posting too much stuff online about homosexuality.  I am grossed out by the sin, but it's easy for me to judge it and hate because I know I would never in a million years be homosexual.  But I can get prideful about that, knowing I would never struggle with it.  It seems that if someone sins differently then us it's easy for us to jump up and judge them and feel prideful that we don't struggle in the way they do, but we fail to look at our own sins.  Like pride over one's own beauty, self-righteous pride is just as ugly.  

People can be prideful over lots of things.  Having excessive amounts of money almost always makes people prideful.  But having little money can make people selfish and greedy, which can get just as ugly.  

That is why God likes to give us just enough of something so we can be content without being overly full of whatever he gives us.  Most people have a few physical features that they are proud of but others they are insecure of.  I think God does that to keep us humble.  Like I have always been insecure about my need to wear glasses, and I always wished I could have a flat stomach, but that has always seemed to be impossible for me.  But I like most of my other physical features. 

This is why, for most of us, God gives us just enough, so that we will not become overly confident and forget him.  

When the Israelites were in the wilderness God told them to gather just enough manna for each day.  When Jesus said the Lord's prayer he said that we should pray for Just our daily bread.  Why?  Because God wants us to have just enough.  If we have too little of anything we become scared and insecure.  But if we have too much of something, we get prideful.  So he gives us just enough.  

I always wondered why God didn't give me better parents.  I'm sure everyone has asked God that. But no parents are perfect, or can be perfect, no matter how hard they try to be.  He gave me parents that were good enough so I wouldn't feel insecure, but with enough short comings to keep me humble. 

The same was true of my two daughters.  They were both pretty enough for me to be proud of them but they both were lacking in some way, I suppose to keep me humble as a parent.  My oldest wasn't the smartest little girl and my youngest has something wrong with her feet so it hurts for her to walk or stand too much.  But God did that for a reason, to keep me humble.  

With everything in life, things that we have fall short of perfection, our parents or our kids and we are disappointed.  Part of coping with life is learning to cope with the disappointments.  Maybe your spouse isn't everything you wanted in a spouse.  But hopefully they are good enough to keep you content.  God always gives us things that are good enough to keep us from being insecure, but also not overly confident and prideful.  

Like some men might have wives that are drop dead gorgeous, or a woman might have a gorgeous husband, but they aren't that smart.  For some reason most people don't get Both beauty and brains. Or a man might have a smart wife, or a woman has a smart husband, but they aren't as attractive.  But God gives us just enough so we can feel confident in our decision without being overly prideful.

This is why a lot of single people stay single for a long time.  They are looking for someone absolutely perfect.  They have this image in their heads of the perfect mate, but they never find that person because there is no one who is perfect.  And they themselves don't deserve someone who is perfect because they aren't perfect. Their search for this perfect person is endless because they are never willing to settle, to deal with someone's shortcomings.  Sometimes you have to just take whatever you can get.  Or deal with being single for your whole life.   

In college I heard a sermon where the pastor said we are all blue plate specials.  Like in restaurants, if they are trying to get rid of food they might have a special on it, but it's food that isn't perfect.  He said we are all like that.  We all have flaws and none of us is perfect.  We have to accept that about ourselves, that we are all blue plate specials, and when looking for a mate.  

Compromise is key in life.  The main cause of anger is when our expectations are too high, of ourselves or others.  We expect, we want but we don't get it and it makes us angry.  The key is to lower your expectations.  Don't expect yourself or anyone else to be perfect.  That would be impossible.  Learn to deal with the imperfections of others, have patience with them, and then you will be angry a lot less. :)

And be grateful for what you have.  Always remember, God gave you just enough to keep you from being insecure, but not too much so you wouldn't get overly prideful.

May God bless you!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Our Stressful World

 The heat in this month of August is always brutal.  It makes us all feel like we have less energy than normal.  And to add to that we have the mandatory mask wearing law, which I'm pretty sure is wearing us all out.  I think the majority of the world is feeling weary and depressed.  It's like we are all just sitting and waiting for the world to end.  We have become apathetic to it and now pretty much expect things to get worse, since they keep getting worse.  But on the bright side, at least things aren't worse then they are now.  The riots have stopped.  It isn't that much trouble to wear a mask when going to Walmart.  It is kind of like playing doctor dress up for an hour.  But I think everyone is wondering what is next?  What measure of control is next?  What will happen next in the U.S. and the world?  

There seems to be a constant feeling of dread in the air.  I have felt God telling me a lot that the rapture of Christians will happen soon.  That would be great!  My focus now mainly is to save as many people as I can before the end comes.  My biggest goal has always been to take as many people to heaven with me as I can.  :)  I hope that is your biggest goal too.  What else is there to live for in life besides serving God and helping him save the lost?  What greater calling or purpose could there be?  I wonder sometimes if that's why God allows the world to be as it is, the constant battle of darkness versus light, because it keeps life interesting.  Sometimes the constant battle of evil versus good is exhausting, but it also keeps life from boring doesn't it?  You never know what will happen next.  You never know what arrows Satan will shoot at you next.  It keeps you on the edge of your seat. 

At times the constant flaming arrows from Satan make you want to take 3 naps a day because the world and life is just too much to face.  Your spirit feels weak and you let it get you depressed.  But sometimes the fight is energizing and you enjoy taking on the battle.  Paul said, "I have fought the good fight."  Every day for any Christian is a fight. A fight in your mind against evil.  A fight to be kind to others when they are mean to you. A fight to forgive others and do everything you know God wants you to do.

People in the world think they are strong, but it doesn't take much strength to do anything Satan wants you to.  But to resist Satan, that takes true strength.  

Every good soldier needs rest.  You fight a battle and then you need to re-group and get re-energized.  My favorite way to do that is with Hillsong worship music and this, writing.  What re-energizes you?  It used to be shopping for me, but that was a bad way to deal with stress because the spending of money only brought more stress.  I encourage you to find good coping skills in this time of high stress in our world.  Buy a kitten.  Dance in your living room.  Journal. Drink some hot tea.  Go for walks.  Don't bottle up all the stress.  You have to unwind and relax sometimes.  

May God bless you!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

To My Ex

Here are texts to my ex husband that I was married to for 7 years. We have been separated for a year and he has kept me from seeing my two daughters for a year. They are 4 and 6. I have decided to think of all three of them as though they are dead. My ex in laws essentially stole my ex husband and my two daughters away from me.  I am still dealing with my anger at them for that. Pray for all of us please. Thank you. 

To Ben: “I’m sorry my mom married David (my step dad) and he ended up actually being a creepy guy with kids. I told her Not to marry him but she wouldn’t listen to me. Just like I Told you to stay away from Steven and Craig (the guys that made him go insane with false prophesies) but you Never listened to me on that. Just like I told Josh (another ex) to stop listening to the angry music but he never listened to me on that. Good thing Bryan (my current bf) doesn’t do anything totally stupid. Finally I know a wise person, for once in my life.

I am very happy here in Austin and I know you 5 are happy there in Odessa. You might as well stay there forever. I am planning on not seeing you or the girls again until heaven. I know that's what your parents would prefer and I have decided to let them win.  Don’t tell me you miss me or the girls miss me. I don’t want to hear it. You made your decision. Your mom is essentially your new wife and there is no turning back. I always knew you were Way more in love with your parents then me ever since I met you. Oh well. You just never could let them go and let yourself be free. That’s not my problem anymore. Praise God.

I never should have married you. I could tell you were crazy, or stupid, from day one. I guess that’s why you have always clung to your parents so tightly because you felt you weren’t competent enough to do life on your own. And maybe you are not.”

Yes those are some very harsh words, but sometimes the truth is harsh.  We did have some great times in our 7 years of marriage, so I can't say it was all horrible.  I don't regret marrying him because me, him and our girls did have a lot of fun for those 7 years.  But it was mostly a very rocky and stressful marriage. Honestly my ex could be said to be the victim though.  He did not know how to have a good marriage because his parents have a horrible marriage. But I am happy to be done with all that stress now. Praise God for delivering me from a horrible marriage.  And if you have ever been through a divorce you probably know what I am talking about. :) And if you haven't been divorced, good job.  I pray you and your spouse will be happy with each other forever. :)

May God bless you. :)