Sunday, October 13, 2013

Witchcraft in Disney

It just occurred to me how much witchcraft shows up in Disney movies. It began with Snow White with the jealous step mother who turned herself into that old woman. It makes me wonder if people can really do that, transform themselves through the power of black magic. I was thinking of Beauty and the Beast and how odd it was that a witch turned him from a man into a beast. Can that stuff really happen? Where did Disney get these ideas from? Yes imagination, but what if some of this stuff could really happen? Biblically King Neb was turned into an animal of sorts as punishment from God for his pride. But can Satan literally change the form of a human? In Rockadoodle you see the head evil owl always blowing black magic on his nephew and changing him into different animals. In The Emporers New Groove you see potions that are able to change anyone into any animal. In Shrek you see a princess that was cursed and turned into an ogre. In the new movie Brave you see a girl give her mom a cake from a witch that can turn heR mother into a bear! Are these all fables or can they really happen? It makes you wonder I think. More witchcraft in Disney....there is Rafiki the monkey in The Lion King, obviously he was meant to represent a witch doctor in Africa. There is Grandmother Willow in Pocahontas who seems to have control over nature. There is the talking dragon in Mulan. There is obviously the genie in Aladin and Jafars black magic. There is the old lady in Cinderella that gives her everything she wanted. The Little Mermaid was morphed from a mermaid into a human by black magic. In Sleeping Beauty the evil witch turns herself into a dragon. Either way the makers of Disney have seen or been exposed to a lot more black magic than I have. What message does all this sell to small children? That there are beings out there that can give you whatever you want, if you sell your soul to Satan. That kind of stuff is real. There is a youtube video calked "They Sold Their Souls to Rock and Roll." Check it out. Look at the Beatles and the unbelievable fame that they had. There was black magic behind that. The beasts, dragons and morphing animals in the real world could just be demonic spirits, fallen angels, that appear to scare people and terrorize them. I think everytime someone sees a ghost it is a demon. I saw a YouTube video once entitled something like "Every Christian Has To See This!!!" :) The man in the video was describing what the spiritual world looks like. He was allowed to go on a tour, if you will, and see the demonic. He said some demons looked like very tall humans, about 7 or 8 feet tall. Others looked like normal sized humans. Others looked liked various kinds of animals, which explains Satan being a serpent at the beginning of creation. Then there were others that looked like hideous beasts. They were ugly and scary, and isolated. Even the other demons did not seem to like them. It was a very interesting video. Check it out if you can. :) He said he looked down an average street and could see demons everywhere, following people, but the people were not aware of their presence. Demons are real. How much power they have is still something I wonder about, such as can they morph a human being? There is no account of this in the Bible so probably not. We know Gods Spirit in us is far greater than any evil beast or spirit alive, so we can take comfort in that. :) But we are still to be aware that demons exist and pray against them. May God be with you and increase your wisdom in all things. Amen :)

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