Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Depression is....

Depression is an inability to give to others because you are so focused on yourself and your own pain.

Depression is a learned helplessness.

Depression is an inability to forgive, let things go, and move on from the past.

Depression causes you to be stuck in the past.

Depression may deplete brain chemicals but natural things can be done to bring them back; exercise, forgiveness, loving others, rest etc.

Depression is perfectionism and expecting too much of yourself.

Depression can be self-hatred and an inability to forgive yourself.

Depression is punishing yourself and thinking you deserve to be miserable, but you don't.

The Bible never speaks about depression; only grief.

People in the Bible were given a month to grieve over a death etc. and then they were expected to move on with life.

God promises that if we hope in him we will run and not grow weary.

Depression is a lack of hope; a lack of knowing how or desiring to hope anymore.

Depression is a lack of faith.

Depression causes the opposite qualities of love in a person.

Depression is not an illness; it is sin.

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