Sunday, November 15, 2015

So Thankful

Things I'm Thankful for....

In light of it being almost Thanksgiving I thought I would write what I am thankful for. :)

I just had my second daughter almost exactly one month ago, so of course I am super thankful for her!  That she was/is healthy and that I am healthy.  I am still alive lol praise God.  You certainly think you might die when doing natural child birth.  This last one was all natural for me so that was intense.  I am very thankful that that is over with lol.  That's for sure!

I am thankful that my mom is letting us live with her for a month or so until we can get either a house or an apartment here in Austin, TX.

We might wait on buying a house and just get an apartment again.  It's much easier and I just found the most amazing apartment complex!  Only $1300 for a three bedroom and it has a pool, hot tub, basketball and tennis court and even a bike trail woohoo!  That would be like living in paradise lol.  Everything anyone could ever want in a complex right there for a decent price.  I am so glad I found it!  So hopefully we will get to move there soon. :)

I'm thankful that we will be living by my mom and step dad now, yay!

I just got a job at a nice restaurant by my mom's house so I am thankful for that.  So far I think I will do well there so that's good, and it's a super fun job. :)  And the people there are all very nice. :)  It's called Putters in Sun City/Georgetown, TX.  Come check it out sometime!

I'm thankful to be in this awesome retirement community in Texas.  It's an "active retirement community" so it's set up just like any other housing community which is nice.  They have the most amazing indoor pools!  I am so grateful that my mom can babysit so I can swim every other day and get back in shape.  Praise God!

I am thankful for Serenity.  She is my sunshine for sure!  Such a little bundle of joy and cuteness.  Every day she keeps me laughing all the time over how cute she is.  It's so nice having little girls. :)
I got to do a line dancing class today with my mom which was lots of fun!  I picked up the steps pretty fast so that was nice.  Every dance feels like an IQ test lol.  It's of the most challenging things you can do physically and mentally.  It is a serious workout for your legs and your brain for sure!  Tons of fun.  They played some really fun country songs today so that was cool, and one Christian one. yay :)

And I am SO thankful that my hubby most likely just got a high paying job here so he should be able to join us here in Austin soon woohoo!  Praise God!  Please pray that he gets hired for sure soon.  He will be hauling oil and finally using the Hazmat certification that he got.  Then I might not need to work at all, but maybe I still will just for the social aspect of it.  It's nice to be out in the real world again! :)

So those are all the things I am currently thankful for.  God is so good to me!  Amen :)
Maybe try writing up your own list.  It's always fun to think about all the things that are going well and right in your life.  "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." Phil. 4:8  Amen.  God bless!

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