Wednesday, February 21, 2018

👶Those in Power Hate Babies 👶😭

It’s All in the Money

I’m pretty sure the government is tired of paying for a free public education for our kids. Makes sense, I’m sure it’s expensive. First they fired tons of teachers and doubled class sizes from 25 to 50 in a class. :( Now they make 72 highly costly vaccines mandatory for each and every kid to attend public school in half the states.

This is just a theory, but they are most likely paid by the vaccine manufacturer, Merck, for forcing the vaccines to be mandatory.

Just think about it for a bit. Our government is trillions of dollars in debt, trillions. Of course they are going to run to the pharmaceutical loan sharks, or money givers, to get money to push the pharmaceutical drugs/vaccines.

And we thought the 60’s were bad in America! At least back then people had a choice to do drugs or not. Now newborn, cute, innocent, precious babies are mandated to.

I know vaccines are not the same as heroine, but maybe they are since they are KILLING babies.

Did you know every single day 35,000 babies are aborted/murdered in America. They DON’T care about your kids if they are willing to murder 35,000 unborn babies in a day! Now babies are born and they try to kill them after with the vaccines.

If they can’t get you to PREVENT pregnancy with birth control pills or ABORT your baby before it’s born, then those vaccines will take care of them. And if you don’t want to do vaccines, fine, your kid can’t go to school.

Doesn’t that all seem totally Nuts?! But that’s really how they must think. Whoever the they is. The Illuminate I guess, or the Buildiberg group Alex Jones calls them.

The fact is, whoever is pulling the strings in our “great” nation hates babies. It must be Satan himself who is in charge. I’m not saying Trump is evil. He is actually anti vaccines himself and knows they cause autism.

Jesus come back soon! That’s all I can say.

“In the last days people will become lovers of money.” Our government included. :(

God help America. And may God bless you all and keep you, and your KIDS, safe in Jesus’ mighty name! Amen!

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