Sunday, December 6, 2015

We All Struggle with Something

Lots of people like to think that they don't have an addiction.  They might like to say, "Those people that struggle with a drug or alcohol addiction" but don't even think to look at their own addictions. 

Gluttony is the most overlooked one.  People in church have their potlucks and think nothing of indulging in food but then want to point the finger at people that struggle with drugs etc.  Over eating is just as much of a struggle and a sin as drugs can be.  It's all the same in God's eyes.  One is not better or worse than the other.  In both cases, idolatry is happening.  A person either thinks drugs or the food will make them happy instead of looking to God. 

I have always felt everyone struggles with one of the 7 deadly sins.  My recurring one is probably pride.  It can be just confidence but often times it turns ugly and becomes pride.  Because I can do so many things it's easy for things to go to my head.  I never struggled academically in school.  I was always good in sports.  I had lots of friends etc.  So it's easy for me to think too highly of myself.

Others struggle with sloth and being lazy.  Others with Vanity and focusing on their physical appearance way too much.  Others struggle with food, which would be gluttony of course.  Others with Envy etc. 

Jesus said we need to take the spec out of our own eye before we can even THINK of taking the plank out of other people's eyes.  Hopefully we can all get better at that.  Before thinking about judging someone else for their sin, take a look in the mirror at your own.  Amen. 

May God bless you all!

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