Saturday, January 30, 2016

On Vaccines and Drugs

I'm pretty anti vaccinations and always have been. I really think they are the number ONE cause of what they call "SIDS" or "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome." Yeah it's SUDDEN because it's usually right after a baby just got vaccinated by an overly naïve parent who believed all the doctors lies that they are safe and they inadvertently killed their own child by letting doctors inject them with tons of crazy stuff.
And that's my stance on vaccines, and it probably always will be.
That feeling pretty much goes for any pill or shot from any doctor, including flu shots. It's all just for money. Flu shots don't prevent you from getting the flu; sometimes they can actually cause a flu. Also, there are over 5,000 DNA strands of the flu virus, which most don't realize. How on earth can they vaccinate you against all of them? They can't. But they say they can and most people believe them because they don't know better.
For the most part, doctors are over paid charlatans or medical con-artists trying to make tons of money off of you. And they do, all the time. All vaccines and all flu shots and other shots are marketed highly and vigorously to the entire America public, and the world probably, just to make more money, because money is ultimately all they care about. Money is what they worship. Money is their god, not God.
In regards to vaccines, if I have to homeschool my kids because schools now won't let unvaccinated kids in then so be it. So much for America being a free country. :(
Vaccines are evil. Medications are evil.
And most things that doctors do to innocent and overly trusting people are evil too, like giving them surgeries that only mess up their bodies more, way, way more than they were before.
Stop letting doctors treat you all like a lab rat people! Stand up for yourselves! You can tell the doctor "NO! I want to protect my body." You DON'T have to let them mess up your body. Protect yourself. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit and God said, "If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy that person; for God's temple is sacred, and you together are that temple." 1 Cor. 3:17 I refer to doctors in this verse, not you yourselves. But don't let them destroy your temple of the Holy Spirit either.
Think about this. Doctors are willing to kill and brutally murder millions of cute and fully alive unborn fetus babies; you don't think they are willing to kill you too? Just for the sake of getting more money? They don't care about you. They care about money.
This may sound overly harsh, but most doctors have probably sold their soul to Satan and are helping him fulfill his mission to destroy and conquer the human race. Satan hates us. He wants to kill us. And he is largely using doctors to accomplish that goal. Slowly killing and crippling the human race one pill at a time, one surgery at a time, one vaccine at a time, and one abortion at a time.
Some doctors are just deceived and aren't to blame as much, but some know exactly what they are doing and still keep doing it, just to get more money. They know all the ways that drugs adversely affect people, and yet they still prescribe them, because most just don't really care about people. They only pretend to care. But they don't really care.
This may sound silly, but any commercial on TV about any medication always drives me up a wall. They are all full of subliminal messaging. They are basically trying to get the whole world to become druggies and make them think it's totally normal to take drugs. Here's what these commercials and evil pharmaceutical people are indirectly saying to you, "Everyone is doing it? So you should too. Right? Look at all these people. This pill makes them all so happy! And it can make you happy too." But no, that's wrong. That's not the truth. Beer commercials do the same thing and we all know drinking too much beer leads to cirrhosis of the liver.
What did your parents used to tell you? If a bunch of people jumped off a cliff does that mean you should too? No. If you want to be smart, you need to be different, and educated. And you need to pray for wisdom, A LOT. Because those in charge in this world try to make people dumb, partly so that they can control people easier, but God wants you to be "as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves." They try to make people dumb and mesmerized with TV, sports, mindless movies, endless fiction books, video games etc. so that they will not think about spiritual things. Satan wants us to focus on the world rather than God, and he succeeds all the time. And Satan wants to keep us occupied with trivial stupid things so that we will not witness and share the gospel like we should be doing all time.
And now, back to the topic of drugs.
What happened to the DARE teachings in school of "Dare To Keep Kids Off Drugs?" But then now we give them loads and loads of ADD medication and anti depressants, and then we wonder what's wrong with our kids? What went wrong with them? Why aren't they performing better in school? Why do they have social problems and anxiety and depression? Well, you pumped them full of drugs and turned them into a drug addict for life. THAT'S what went wrong with them. It's a problem that you as the parent created. Their friends aren't the ones to blame. Their friends weren't the one who first introduced them to drugs. YOU DID.
Or you can not do that and be a better parent and not put your kids on drugs from an early age. That would be the wisest thing to do. :)
Doctors are simply glorified and highly over paid drug dealers. And we trust them why? They take all our money, ruin our bodies and probably laugh at us behind closed doors for being so stupid.
One interesting thing I read is that a lot of doctors won't even give their own children the vaccinations that they give thousands of other children. Why? Because they know how damaging the vaccines can be on a tiny human body. They have seen the negative side effects over and over again, but they are probably paid to keep their mouth shut by the mafia drug lords at the top of the medicine totem pole.
Medicine and doctors can do great good, in the case of a broken arm for example, but they can do great, great evil as well. So be cautious. Not all doctors have your best interest in mind. Their eyes see dollar signs when they see you, not a person. For most of them at least.
Don't be gullible. DON'T trust everything a doctor says. And don't let them shove pills down your throat or shoot you up with toxic substances that you know nothing about. Ask questions. Grow in wisdom. Don't get deceived too easily.
Doctors are NOT God. God is God alone. Go with what the Holy Spirit tells you in your heart and soul, not what doctors tell you. Pray for wisdom on anything and everything, daily, hourly etc.
And here is a great quote from a brilliant article! "There is almost ZERO risk that a healthy, unvaccinated child exposed to measles will be killed by measles. Even in the heavily propagandized Disneyland outbreak, not a single child died. Some got the measles, built their own immune system antibodies, and recovered naturally." Amen. Very interesting indeed.
Take care ya'll and thank you for reading.
I'm sure this article will make a lot of people mad, but sometimes we won't change things unless we get mad. And sometimes getting mad is good because it helps to take the blinders off that we put on ourselves so often. It's good if you get mad. Use that energy to take action! Write your own article about how doctors have somewhat ruined your life. Start a blog. Write a book and self-publish it on for free. Let your voice be heard. Freedom of the press is great! Don't let the giants at the top silence you. Be like David and conquer the giants, in any way you can. Speak out and speak truth. May God bless you all!

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