Monday, January 4, 2016

Praying for Jesus Packets

Well I only made it 16 hours in my fast.  Oh well lol.  My objective was mainly to make my prayers more effective about my Jesus packets and that doors will be opened for me to take them into schools, here in Georgetown and then all over Austin and Texas eventually who knows.  Yay!  Very exciting.  Either the administration can let me take them in a box to be left in the office or the library for kids to pick up, or Ben and I will go hand them out to kids when they get out of school. 

85% of Americans commit their life to Christ before they are age 14.  And generally if they don't by then, the odds of them becoming Christian are very small.  Therefore, I think we will start with Junior High school students, because that is the major turning point in life where kids start down one path that leads to life or a path that leads to death.  I know that from experience.  That is when kids start making their own choices and finding their way in life.  The habits they start in junior high will stick with them most likely and shape the rest of their lives. 

It will probably be a pretty fast thing, especially since it's so cold lol.  We can just say "Hey happy holidays" and give them a packet.  And hopefully the packets make a difference in a lot of kid's lives.  woot!  Feel free to try something like that too in schools near you. :)

I'm very excited to hand them out.  I just ordered bookmarks that have inspiration Bible verses on them, Christian pencils that say "God loves you" etc, bracelets with similar sayings and Scripture candy where each wrapper has a Bible verse on it.  In each packet I also have my peanut butter cookies and a tract titled "Who made it" about the fact that God made the Universe, NOT evolution, which will be great for kids since most kids love science.  Also it's quite important that they don't believe the lie they get fed of evolution in text books in school, because that will shape their entire life view. 

Some theories say that the Holocaust was thanks to Hitler's avid interest and belief in evolution.  He then thought human beings had no value if we came from monkeys and had no problem killing millions of Jews and others.  Hence evolution is quite evil and leads to a lot of evil.  So the fact that God created the world and not evolution is the BIGGEST thing that kids need to hear and know for sure these days.  The future of America depends on children growing up into model citizens that believe in God and treat others with love and respect.  Amen. 

May God inspire you as well to help shape our future generations of America into God-loving and God-respecting and other respecting youth.  You can make a difference!  You can't do everything, but you can do something.  Amen. 

May God bless you all!

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