Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Characteristics of a Christian

I think it's important I write something to define what a Christian is, according to what the Bible says. There seems to be much confusion over that in our church today. 

Is being a Christian just praying a prayer for God to come into your heart and that's it?  No.  That prayer should be accompanied by an actual repentance over your sin first.  And that is only the beginning to it all.  If you don't try to live a holy life after that, that prayer you may have prayed does not mean anything. 

If you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, does that alone make you a Christian?  No.  That's part of it, but that isn't the whole thing.  That also is only the beginning to it all. 

What is the whole thing to being a Christian?  When can someone really for sure know they are saved?

Here are some characteristics of what a true genuine Christian will look like, according to how the Bible describes that a Christian will be:

1. They will be grieved over their sin.  They will agree with what the Bible says sin is.  When they sin, they will repent and try to do better in the future.  They will be convicted by the Holy Spirit when they sin. 

2.  They will have a heart to tell others about Jesus.  If you REALLY believe that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven and you know that most of America doesn't really believe that, you will try as much as you can to try to tell others about Jesus.  Even if you are too afraid to make any attempt at sharing the gospel, the desire will still be there, if you are really saved.  Because that was the great commission given to ALL of us by Jesus. 

3. You will try to love others as best as you can.  When you don't love others as you know God would want you to, you apologize and try to make amends. 

4.  You forgive others when they hurt you.  The Bible literally says if you cannot forgive others who hurt you, God will NOT forgive you.  That's pretty serious. 

5. You have a desire to know God.  You have a desire to listen to sermons even if you can't make it to church.  You have a desire to listen to worship music and keep your focus on God as much as you can.  As Paul said, "Set your mind on things above."

6. You are repulsed by vulgar movies and shows.  You are repulsed when people around you talk in a vulgar and sick way.  And in general you are angry about sin.  This is righteous anger, like what Jesus felt when he turned the tables in the temple. 

7. You recognizes that the Christian walk is not just about what you don't do, but it is also about what you do as well.  Like the Bible says, "Faith without works is dead."  You try to help others and love others and make the world a better place.  I know many non-Christians do this, and that is great, but if someone is truly a Christian, they will for sure try to do good to others as well. 

If you have any others that are important that I forgot, feel free to mention it in a comment. 

God bless! :)

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