Sunday, March 3, 2019

Keep Being a Light

I don’t even know how many tines people have attacked me because Satan directly inspires them to attack me. I think I’m a pretty good writer for God, and so Satan attacks me a ton as a result and tries to stop me. Please pray for me. 😞

I think that’s why so many are to scared to shine for Jesus, 😒 because maybe they tried to shine for Jesus a few times and Satan attacked them, scared them and then silenced them. 😭

Well Satan might as well give up trying to silence me now cuz this girl is never going to give up writing about God amen! Praise God! “He who is in me is greater then he who is in the world!” Amen!

I love what I heard in a sermon once. If you shine a bright light in this dark dark world some will be drawn to that light, but others will try to put your light out. They used an analogy of haters throwing rocks at a light bulb to put it out. And yes haters WILL throw rocks at you. Guaranteed. Satan WILL inspire people to attack you as much as possible and try to bring you down when you shine for Jesus. But does that mean you should stop? No! For me all that does is throws more lighter fluid on my fire. Woot! The attacks only fuel my light even brighter. Why? Because the more Satan Attacks me the more I KNOW I’m onto something and speaking the truth that Satan Doesn’t Want People to Hear! Amen.

So since Satan attacked me So Much about my last post I’ll say it all again, πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ if you want to be the most on fire and holy Christian that you can be, listen to Joyce Meyer all day. 😁 Yeah! Going to church for an hour once a week is nothing. What do you do with the other 111 hours of your week??? If you sleep 8 hours a day then that’s 111 waking hours you could be listening to Joyce Meyer or TD Jakes or Steven Furtick. But MOST of our waking hours we live Only for our flesh. “What will I eat next?” Is a constant thought for most. How about what of God’s word will you eat next? How can I train my mind better to be like Christ? What else can I learn about how to be a better Christian? Because you have never learned all that you can, amen!

Where the mind goes the man follows. Focus on training your mind to stay FIXATED on God 24/7 and the rest of your life will go Much, much better amen! Praise God!

Now go listen to a Joyce Meyer sermon woot!

May God bless you all!

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