Sunday, March 3, 2019

Satan Throwing Rocks

It really is amazing how MUCH Satan tries to take out each of us, if he can, and silence us. It’s sad 😢 that God let’s Satan throw so many rocks at us Christians, but I think it’s because God Only wants those who will overcome. And YOU CAN overcome! Amen!!!

What Rocks does Satan throw?

Childhood sexual abuse is probably his biggest bolder he throws at people, to try to take them out from the beginning. To corrupt them and their minds from day 1. 😢 That also makes many, many people suicidal later in life. But YOU CAN overcome! Amen!

A loved one dying suddenly is a huge bolder! But YOU CAN overcome! Amen!

Satan inspires people we care about the most to attack us mercilessly and viciously. But YOU CAN overcome amen!

Friends might abandon you. But YOU CAN overcome!

Life is hard and we might often get sick. But YOU CAN overcome! Amen!

And, what you think is, your own voice in your head telling you that you are worthless. But that is Satan’s voice and YOU CAN overcome! Amen!

People might think I never hear voices telling me I’m worthless or stupid or small. But no, I hear them. I just IGNORE them. Amen?

So please also ignore all those evil voices in your head! And the evil voices of friends temporarily inspired by Satan around you. Ignore the Rocks! “Fear of man proves to be a snare.” DON’T fear man and DON’T fear Satan. Fear God and God alone amen!

May God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, It is so inspiring that you are doing a blog. People want to hear what you have to say about Jesus and the Bible.
