Sunday, July 28, 2019

My Advice on Life

Here is my advice for life for all ya'll.

 1. Turn the TV off sometimes and find something else to do. And check out Snapchat. It's tons of fun. My name is lbedrick19 on there if you want to look me up. :)

2.. Go to a community college.  Don't spend thousands on a University when you could spend only hundreds at a community college and get the same quality of education.

3. Respect those who are over you like your parents and teachers.  Even if they aren't always respectable, still respect them.

4. Make sure you marry someone who respects authority. And someone who has a soft heart and not a hard heart.

5. Be a hard worker in everything and anything you do.  Always give 110%. You will build greater confidence in yourself this way.  Often times insecurity comes when we know we aren't doing all that we could do.  So do all that you could do.  Always. :)

6. Be healthy.  Eat a salad every day and go on a walk every day. Or try roller blading.  I recently started roller blading around every day and LOVE it. :)

7. Save Up for a car and a house.  Then you won't have to pay interest, which makes you pay twice what you could have paid without interest.

8. Be thankful for everything you have.  And don't be greedy. Focus on the positive and not the negative. The more positive you are, the more thankful and content you will be for what you already have.

9. Believe in God.  He's real.  It takes more faith to not believe in God then to believe in him.

10. Care about people and care about yourself. If you don't care about yourself, it will be hard to really care about others.

11. Have Boundaries with others. Say no when you want to say no. Don't be a doormat. You don't always have to say yes to everyone. If you do, you will eventually get worn out and depressed.

12. Take a shower and brush your teeth every day. Obviously. But that's not obvious to some. lol :)

13. Don't quit. Even if times get hard, never ever quit. Always keep hoping and believing good things are in your future.

14.  Listen to Steven Furtick and TD Jakes sermons on YouTube. You will be greatly inspired by both of them.

15. When stressed, listen to music.  Then you won't be stressed anymore. :) It works.

16. Be careful what kind of music you listen to. Bad music can influence you more then you think.

17. Do a job that you really love, not just a job for the money.

18. Always respect your boss at your job. Always.

19. Respect your parents.  Listen to their advice.  They have been alive longer so they really are smarter then you and know more then you. :)

20. Don't judge others to much or they will judge you later on. If you give others grace, they will give you grace.  If you want respect, give respect.

21. Life is not always black and white.  There is a lot of grey. Pray about things if you are confused about what decision to make.

22. Keep your house clean and vacuum every week. This will give you more peace to have a clean house.

23. Know who you are. Learn about yourself and what you like and don't like. Then you can find out what your calling or career should be. :)

24. Go on road trips when you can. Seeing new scenery brings a lot of joy.

25. Take your time on having kids.  Make sure you meet a great person first. And make sure you know what you want in life first. Do all that you want to do before having kids. Because once you have them, you are somewhat more stuck in one place.

26. Have fun with your family; play frisbee and board games. Don't just watch TV. Find other fun things to do as a family. Go bowling. Go for hikes etc. :)

27. Don't get too puffed up with pride. You might be attractive or talented but any benefit you have God gave you.

28. Eat eggs and oatmeal and good protein.  Don't just eat sugar and junk food all the time.  It will be hard to concentrate and succeed in life if you do.

29. Don't be overly prideful about any material thing you have. Anything you have was given to you by God.

30. The most important thing in life is helping others. So help others in any way that you can. You do not exist for yourself.  You exist in order to help others.  If you struggle with depression, it's probably because your focus is to much on yourself. Focus on others, and you will never be depressed.

31. Don't wait to do something perfectly before you do something, or you will never do anything.

32. Embrace change.  Sometimes change can be really good.

33. Don't ever do drugs. And be very careful with alcohol.  Drink in moderation. Don't let any substance master you.

34. If a pain or a hard time doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger.  Sometimes pain can be good. We learn the most in painful times. :)

35. Don't follow the crowd; be an individual.

36. Submit to authority.  Follow the laws.

37. Be a hard worker; don't be lazy.

38. Travel to as many different states and countries as you can. Seeing new scenery is the quickest way to be happy. :)

39. Do the best you can in life.  God has grace for you when you don't do things perfectly. If you fall in some way, just get back up and keep running.  God's mercies are new every morning. Amen. Praise God for his mercy!

40. And remember to have fun in life.  Don't take life or yourself too seriously, or you will go crazy, like my ex did.  Lighten up.  Laugh.  Have fun. :) Don't over think things.

41. Pray a lot more then you worry.  Or if you are worried about anything, pray about it. :)

May God bless you all! :)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

God Loves You!

God so many people don't realize how MUCH you love them.  They don't trust you.  God help us all to trust you.  You are far above us.  Your ways are not our ways.  We don't understand why you let some things happen to us, but you still expect us to trust you.  God you love us so much!  Help us to never forget that.  As much as Satan tries to get us to doubt that you love us by sending so many trials into our life, God we know still that you love us and want to protect us.  You tell us to come to you as a child.  A child doesn't ask questions.  They don't think about things as much as us adults do.  They accept things.  God help us to accept whatever life it is that YOU want for us, if that is single or married, or employed or unemployed.  Show us what you are trying to do in our lives.  Show us what you are trying to teach us in the trials.  May we help others when we go through painful times.  May we get the tools we need to help others the rest of our lives with whatever people need help with. I know I can get through this trial just like I have survived all my other trials.  Thank you for being near to the broken hearted God.  I know you are closer to me in this time.  God lead us and guide us to where you want us all to live and work and be.  Thank you God for your leading and your wisdom.  Pour out your spirit and your wisdom on us God! We praise you for your provision and your kindness.  Thank you God for all you bless us with.  :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Be Happy to be a Lady

Time for me to preach! Lol There are many reasons to be proud to be a woman; getting to have kids, getting to stay home, if you marry a good, hard working man. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜€ So marry a good, hard working man ladies cuz you deserve it! Women have greater intuition then men often times and possibly more wisdom lol. Wisdom in Proverbs was a woman for a reason. 😁 You never see little girls trying to kill themselves. πŸ˜‚ And very few women are in prison. Women can have a vital and unique impact on mankind, if people, and the church, would let us be more free. πŸ™‚ If you are a woman God blessed you with the miraculous ability to grow new life! Praise God! It is underplayed now how great it can be to be a woman. That’s cuz so many women are trying to be men. Stop trying to be a man ladies! Whether you are straight or gay. Just relax and enjoy being a woman! Who cares if you’re bored staying home. Deal with it. πŸ˜‰ It’s better then being stressed out working all the time right? πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ Also women put to high of expectations on themselves now and get depressed. You don’t need to be a make up high heal wearing beauty queen to be a beautiful woman. Woot! Just be YOU! Be proud to just be who you are! You are beautiful no matter what you wear or put on. Be proud of how God innately made you! Don’t ever want to be a man. Be happy and grateful that God made you a woman. πŸ™‚ Amen and praise God. I know I’m happy God made me a woman. Yeah child labor is hard but hey it’s only a day. The rest of your life you get to enjoy your cute kids so praise God and be thankful! If you are a woman, You are blessed! And the men are blessed too cuz they get to be married to be a woman. Lol πŸ˜‚ God loves you all! Have a great day. 😁