Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Be Happy to be a Lady

Time for me to preach! Lol There are many reasons to be proud to be a woman; getting to have kids, getting to stay home, if you marry a good, hard working man. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜€ So marry a good, hard working man ladies cuz you deserve it! Women have greater intuition then men often times and possibly more wisdom lol. Wisdom in Proverbs was a woman for a reason. 😁 You never see little girls trying to kill themselves. πŸ˜‚ And very few women are in prison. Women can have a vital and unique impact on mankind, if people, and the church, would let us be more free. πŸ™‚ If you are a woman God blessed you with the miraculous ability to grow new life! Praise God! It is underplayed now how great it can be to be a woman. That’s cuz so many women are trying to be men. Stop trying to be a man ladies! Whether you are straight or gay. Just relax and enjoy being a woman! Who cares if you’re bored staying home. Deal with it. πŸ˜‰ It’s better then being stressed out working all the time right? πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ Also women put to high of expectations on themselves now and get depressed. You don’t need to be a make up high heal wearing beauty queen to be a beautiful woman. Woot! Just be YOU! Be proud to just be who you are! You are beautiful no matter what you wear or put on. Be proud of how God innately made you! Don’t ever want to be a man. Be happy and grateful that God made you a woman. πŸ™‚ Amen and praise God. I know I’m happy God made me a woman. Yeah child labor is hard but hey it’s only a day. The rest of your life you get to enjoy your cute kids so praise God and be thankful! If you are a woman, You are blessed! And the men are blessed too cuz they get to be married to be a woman. Lol πŸ˜‚ God loves you all! Have a great day. 😁


  1. "You never see little girls trying to kill themselves. And very few women are in prison." This is absolutely false. And the fact that you are laughing about it with emojis?? What kind of Christian looks at suicide as a laughing matter, let alone thinks that women don't try to kill themselves? Little girls try to kill themselves every day. I was one of them. There are also plenty of women in prison. Women who made bad decisions, and who are kept from their children and unable to raise them. Where is your compassion? What statistics and facts are you going off of to claim these wildly inaccurate stories?

    Being a woman, especially a woman of God, is not about sitting on your high horse, thinking you're better than everyone, and writing about it on the internet. God bless your soul.

    I hope you one day what it learns to love your neighbors. I hope you learn what God means when He tells us that the world's judgment will be His in heaven. We are simply meant to hold our brothers and sisters in Christ accountable, asking them to refrain from sin and spreading the good news of Jesus while loving your enemies and your neighbors - what you're doing is absolutely NOT that.

    If you're happy, then choose to spread love, not hate and judgement. What compels you to write things like this? You're a wife and a mother, what kinds of lessons are you teaching your family, your children? What about the Proverbs 31 woman? Are you living that kind of life?

  2. Shes a crackpot.Her husband has left her and taken there daughter.Shes deranged.Have a look at her twitter account.She needs help, professional help.She wants to be a teachers assistant ffs

  3. You are a vile and evil woman who needs serious psychological counseling and to be kept far away from impressionable young children.
