Sunday, July 21, 2019

God Loves You!

God so many people don't realize how MUCH you love them.  They don't trust you.  God help us all to trust you.  You are far above us.  Your ways are not our ways.  We don't understand why you let some things happen to us, but you still expect us to trust you.  God you love us so much!  Help us to never forget that.  As much as Satan tries to get us to doubt that you love us by sending so many trials into our life, God we know still that you love us and want to protect us.  You tell us to come to you as a child.  A child doesn't ask questions.  They don't think about things as much as us adults do.  They accept things.  God help us to accept whatever life it is that YOU want for us, if that is single or married, or employed or unemployed.  Show us what you are trying to do in our lives.  Show us what you are trying to teach us in the trials.  May we help others when we go through painful times.  May we get the tools we need to help others the rest of our lives with whatever people need help with. I know I can get through this trial just like I have survived all my other trials.  Thank you for being near to the broken hearted God.  I know you are closer to me in this time.  God lead us and guide us to where you want us all to live and work and be.  Thank you God for your leading and your wisdom.  Pour out your spirit and your wisdom on us God! We praise you for your provision and your kindness.  Thank you God for all you bless us with.  :)

1 comment:

  1. This is powerful, wow. Great encouragement in your post, thank you for sharing your confidence, truth and truth through the prayers that we hear in your post! Blessings to you, Lisa.
