Sunday, September 15, 2024


 Do you have fear or faith?

If God asks you to jump, will you?

Maybe you could fly over rooftops 

But your fear paralyzes you 

You don't believe in anything anymore 

You just hide in your house 

Being quiet as a mouse 

What is there in my future?

I could teach or make more kids

But both seem too scary 

I have become very wary 

Of any new adventures 

You can be courageous and dumb

Or cautious and smart 

It seems best to just stay still 

Maybe I need to really get my fill

Of time with God and my son 

I have nothing else I want to do 

Maybe that makes others blue 

But to stay put is better than the new

I am tired of crazy adventures 

I want to just relax here forever 

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