Thursday, September 5, 2024


We treat others how to treat us 

Be a person people can trust 

If you respect others 

They will respect you 

Respect is not given but earned 

Your heart will really need a turn 

Don't let that make you blue 

Believe in God and become brand new

With the same measure you use 

It will be measured back to you 

If you give you will be given to 

It is more blessed to give than to receive 

Remember the Holy Spirit to never grieve 

Always try to sow more good seeds 

What you sow, you will reap 

Pray that your life God will keep 

In the palm of his hands 

Follow his perfect plans 

Remember to never give up the stand 

For Jesus and the Bible 

Or your salvation is liable 

To not stay firm to the end 

The one who endures to the end 

Will be saved, you can depend 

What will you do with the rest of your time 

Don't just try to make a dime

Honor God and earn respect every day

Life giving words you should say

And remember to always pray 


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