Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Gallstones: Please Pray

The dr confirmed I have a gallstone that might be blocking my liver or some organ. I might get a CT Scan and possibly have surgery but I'm gonna try a natural cure first yay!
Apparently 80 percent of people have gallstones, but most aren't big enough to cause issues.

So since I'm all for doing natural cures before trying surgery, I plan to do a gallstone flush today. Feel free to do it too. It will probably feel like when we all played truth or dare as kids and were dared to drink some crazy stuff lol.

So to do the flush just mix apple juice and water and Epsom salts. Drink every two hours three times. Then drink a half a cup of olive oil and chase it with grapefruit juice. Repeat after 15 minutes. Then lay down on your right side. That's important that it's your right side.

You will then most likely poop out tons of little green gall stones or your pee will be greenish.
I have been drinking apple cider vinegar the last three days and my pee has actually been greenish every time so that's a good sign. It means I'm peeping out bile and broken up gall stones yay!
I hope this works cuz surgery would really be bad. Plus I can't be bedridden for three weeks or so with two kids to take care of. No thank you. Dear God may this gallstone flush work in Jesus name amen!

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