Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Regarding Ritalin and Adderall

I just read all the crazy side effects of Ritalin, the most "popular" prescribed drug to ADD or ADHD kids. If any parent read them I'm pretty sure they wouldn't start or continue to give their kid Ritalin.

Reading them makes my blood boil in a sense, because I know so many who had to take this as kids and I wish they didn't. Apparently even children as young as TWO are being prescribed Ritalin now.  That is insane! Parents, help your kids with their homework! Don't just pop pills in their mouth!  Just because a doctor tries to make money off of your kid with some drug that will supposedly help them in school doesn't mean you need to let them!  Protect your children and their bodies!  Don't give them drugs!  Let their little bodies be clean at least while they are children. Your job as the parent is to protect them, not hurt them. 
Please share this with anyone you know who does make their kid take it. And feel free to search the side effects of any drug on this website that you or anyone you know is taking. Everyone should know what all the drugs they take can do to harm their bodies. Get educated. Be smart. Amen.
Also check out the side effects of Adderall.  Please, please don't make your kid take these drugs. They are just being a kid, and that is ok. If they are struggling in school, help them. Be the kind of parent that they want to impress and you probably won't have any problems. If you are respectable, they will respect you. You have to lead by example. If you want them to be a hard worker, then you need to be. Show them how to be diligent. Don't rely on some pill to try to make them diligent.
Satan is trying to steal, kill and destroy our children through prescription drugs like these; please don't let him

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