Thursday, July 26, 2018

Child Molestation

In Omaha, NE there is a place called “Boy’s Town.” It is a very, very big orphanage for young boys. A guy I was engaged to, his dad was the clerk of court for Nebraska. That was a pretty high up and important position. He knew actual true stories of people in congress from Washington D.C. who would actually fly groups of these boys out to see them in D.C. just so they could molest them and sexually abuse them. 😢 I believe and know that Trump is a great and stellar guy, but there are lots of men in power in America who are very, very sick. ☹️Please pray that such things will stop. And that Trump will be able to crack down on such cases and end all the child abuse! 

There are also several stories out now about certain movie stars molesting kids. I know it’s hard for those trying to solve this issue to know which stories are true. When people can get massive pay outs for such stories, that’s a lot of motivation to make up stories. Michael Jackson, for example, was paying out thousands, if not millions, of dollars every month to all the families of the children he molested to keep them from suing him or to keep them quiet. 

I hope, in regards to the stories, that the police will at least bring such people in for a lie detector test and see what stories are true and then punish the people who committed the terrible child abuse crimes, even if they are in Congress or movie stars. Amen! God please make it happen! 

I pray for justice for ALL the children all across America who have been abused! And I pray God that you will PROTECT this generation of children now from any and ALL evil in Jesus’ holy name! God bring a purity to our land that we have never had! Give all the people across America a burning desire to love you and to submit to you and not Satan! God break these crazy chains that Satan has over SO many people doing so much evil in our nation! God please heal our land and restore us to being the great Christian country that we once were! May God bless America! And may God save us Americans! Amen 🙂 

God bless! 

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