Thursday, July 12, 2018


Why homosexuality happens:

Homosexuality and a confused sexual orientation is usually the result of sexual abuse. There are two kinds of sexual abuse. There is the abusive scary kind and the gentle, seemingly loving kind.

Most of the time if a women is a lesbian it is because she was sexually abused by a man in the scary abusive way like rape, so they are then turned off to men after that. That is somewhat understandable. But the cure would be counseling to help them believe that not all men are like the evil man who rapped them. Also being around dozens of good guys after that with good hearts helps a lot to reprogram their perspective on men.

And if a man is gay it is usually because he was sexually abused as a child in the gentle, seemingly loving way by a man, so they are then drawn to men.

Satan can program children through sexual abuse to have their orientation all messed up the rest of their lives. Why does God allow this? I have no idea. But the good news is, there is hope and there is a cure. Those that Satan breaks God can and will heal if you seek His help. 😁😉

I was sexually abused as a child by a man, but it was in the gentle seemingly loving way, which is why my sexual abuse did not make me ever want to be gay. Thank God I was never rapped or abused in a scary way. If that had happened to me I can imagine I might be scared of all men after that.

So Christians do need to consider the background of a homosexual person. There is usually a reason. But since most Christians are too scared to look into the issue of sexual abuse, the church has not offered many cures or hope to homosexuals.

The only Christian program that offers help to anyone and everyone with open arms really is Celebrate Recovery, which is free! As opposed to $100 for a counseling session. 😞

So if you have ever had thoughts you might be gay, or anyone you know has, check out a Celebrate Recovery meeting at a church in your city. Just google your city name, or cities by you, and Celebrate Recovery and you will find one. 😀👍🏼 Talk about your abuse in the group share time. It is hard, but it is not until we talk about an abusive time that we can find healing from it. Others can help us to reverse any lies that Satan planted in our minds due to sexual abuse.

And I pray God will bless you with tons of peace and courage if you go! Don’t let Satan keep you from going! You can do it! You can be healed and whole again! You just have to believe. 🙂 Amen.

May God bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. very interesting! I definitely agree that CR is a great answer. God bless you! Joy @ The Joyous Living

    "Forgiveness is about the future."
