Friday, March 20, 2020

My Crazy Month

I had an interesting room mate situation this month.  But I finally feel like I'm on the other side of that, praise God.  My ex boyfriend and I had rented out the master bedroom in my former house just so we could get our water and electric bills paid.  My savings had run out and so had his.  We had been enjoying two months of romantic bliss essentially.  I felt like God had wanted me to quit working to focus on him, since we had opposite hours at work.  He then got laid off at his job due to winter being a slow season.  At first it seemed like a good set up with our new room mates, but then our room mate's car broke down.  That made them unable to pay rent each week.  They started a new job that was closer but there was a delay in their checks. That greatly stressed out my ex boyfriend, which I think was partly why he wanted to get himself in jail and shot up the building that he did.  It is very ironic too because around that time I told him how my friend, who had worked in prisons as a guard, said many of the guys in there only want to get back in once they get out, because normal life is so hard.  In jail or prison you don't have to worry about getting bills paid or working or anything that normal people have to worry about.  It seems jail is a safe place for people who simply can't handle life.  I think that thought implanted into my ex boyfriend's mind and he decided that was the life he wanted.  It was ironic, he said he had always wanted to shoot up a building with a gun.  What an odd fantasy to have.  Pretty sure he never should have been given a gun by his dad.

I have always been very anti guns.  I don't see any reason for anyone other then police officers to have a gun.  Your gun isn't going to protect you.  God is.  People are fickle and become momentarily insane all the time, or possessed.  We get bored easily and come up with crazy ideas.  Hence, why no one besides officers should have guns.

Another thing that incident taught me was to be even more scared of medications.  Praise God my current boyfriend isn't on any meds.  My mom has been on meds for her mental health ever since I was 3.  I think that partly is what led to my dad molesting me at age 6.  I think the meds caused her to become a zombie and be checked out.  She probably wasn't showing him enough love and attention and that's why he did what he did.  I know I never felt like she showed me much love and attention my entire life.  And I mainly blame all the meds she is on, which is several.  She even attempted suicide recently.  Please pray for her.  If she isn't saved, which I don't know, pray she will get saved. If you aren't on meds, I don't recommend you ever start.  They might ruin your entire life.  My ex husband got on meds 8 months ago and I decided with that that I would never be with him again.  I can't handle the unpredictable nature of meds and what they do to a person.  I also see them as sorcery and witchcraft.

The shooting 3 weeks ago mainly happened because my ex boyfriend had skipped two doses of his medication because the pharmacy was slow in refilling it.  He then had a psychotic break due to that. It's a very scary world now with meds making people so unpredictable.
But now I am finally at peace again and in an oasis, it would seem.  I am living with a new boyfriend.  Please pray for us to make it.  He is great. :) We get along really well so that's great.  I met him 7 months ago when he rented a room in my house before his house was built.  We have been on and off for 7 months.  I had taken a break from him to be with this ex boyfriend, but I wish I hadn't.  But I had a fun few months with Josh and overall I'm glad we got to have as much fun as we did.  It's better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all.  I think he feels the same about our time together.  But I pray he will find someone good for him in the future.  May God provide him with all he needs in the future.  Please pray for him.  Thanks all. :)
But I am very happy here in my new house with my new boyfriend and I plan to stay here until I die.  It may have been good I waited to move in until now though.  I think the last three months apart from my boyfriend caused him to appreciate me more now.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder. :)
I pray you all are very happy with whoever you are with, and if you don't have someone, may God send you someone great.  And make sure you appreciate them!  Because you never know when they will be gone.  God loves you all!  Have a great day. :)

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