Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to Save Money

quotes from Your Money Counts- by the founder of Crown Ministries

Howard Dayton gives his advice on how to cut costs in various areas.....

Shelter- consider apt. living. It is less expensive and involved fewer responsibilities.

Transportation- purchase a low cost used car and drive it until repairs become too expensive

Clothing- purchase simple basic fashions that stay in style longer than faddish clothes
-do not purchase a lot of clothing. Select one or two basic colors for your wardrobe, and buy outfits that you can wear in combination with other.

There are more than 2,350 verses in the Bible on the topic of money....

"When the Crusades were being fought during the 12th C., the crusades employed mercenaries to fight on their behalf. Because it was a religious war, the crusaders insisted that the mercenaries be baptized before fighting. As they were being baptized, the mercenaries would hold their swords out of the water to symbolize the one thing in their life that Jesus Christ did not control. They had the freedom to use their swords in any way they wished.
Today many people handle their money in a similar fashion; they hold their wallet out of the water."

"Giving is the most effective antidote to the human disease of covetousness."
Well said

"Scripture gives no examples of people retiring. As long as one is physically and mentally capable, no scriptural basis exists for retiring and becoming unproductive....I believe this should be the most rewarding and productive time of life. God has invested years in grooming us, and often we have more discretionary time."

"The Lord created each of us for a particular job, and He endowed us with the necessary skills, aptitudes and desires to accomplish this work."

"The Lord might use a painful, unwanted divorce to give someone the empathy and desire to serve others in a similar situation."

"Unfortunately, most people are not regular savers. According to one source, the average person in our nation is three weeks away from bankruptcy. He or she has little or no money saved, significant monthly credit obligations and a total dependence on next weeks paycheck to keep the budget afloat." How sad.

"Perhaps that is why most people never save, it requires a denial of something that you want today, and our culture is not a culture of denial. When we want something, we want it NOW." (yep, that's my problem

"One saving goal is strictly prohibited. (this is why I think saving can be bad.) The desire to become rich. Everyone who wants to get rich will 'fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into run and destruction.' For most of my life I wanted to become rich (me too). Not just a little rich, filthy rich! So dealing with the biblical prohibition against this attitude has been painful for me..... "For the love of money is the root of all evil."

"When you left home, how well prepared were you to make financial decisions? Parents and teachers spend 18 to 22 years preparing youth for occupations but generally less then a few hours teaching children the value and use of the money they will earn during their careers." Very true :(

This is really sad
"Fathers in our country spend less time with their children than fathers in almost every other nation of the world. Fathers currently spend an average of only 37 seconds per day communicating with their sons."

"By the time the typical teenager graduates from high school, he has spent 10,800 hours in class and 15,000 hours in front of the television. A recent survey asked children if they would rather give up television or their fathers. More than two out of five, 44%, responded they would forsake their fathers."

"For ever 99 people who can be poor and remain close to Christ, only one can become wealthy and maintain close fellowship with Him."

"Our Father knows us better then we know ourselves. In His infinite wisdom He knows exactly how much money He can entrust to us at any time without harming our relationship with Him."

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