Saturday, May 27, 2017

Info on Demons

"This is the most obvious clue when someone's been invaded so to speak. You see it in the eyes, the mirrors of the soul. It can happen in a millisecond. The pupils will dilate as if the victim has taken hallucinogens." Yep.

"Do not go to new age healers or psychics either. Their abilities may or may not be given by God. If the person gets their abilities from the other side, you invite their entities into your life by consulting with them. Saved Christians with no sin in their lives, cannot be possessed, but if you are not saved, there is the possibility of succumbing to that kind of attack." Yep! I suppose a Christian who has an addiction then might be open to possession of some kind.

"There are things you can do to make your environment uncomfortable to Demons:

1) Remove and throw away any items that may draw them like Ouija boards, tarot cards, astrology books, witchcraft books, statues of gods, talismans, certain antiques(can have attachments), anything pagan, etc. Even modern stories can draw them, such as Harry Potter or Twilight. Both series(and other like them) are not demonic in themselves, but people have had demons enter their lives by being obsessed with them. Side note, the authors of both series got their stories from entities that visited them in their dreams.

2) Make your life as godly as possible. Follows His laws and try your best not to violate his commandments.

3) Spend regular time daily in prayer to God. Ask for his protection. Ask to have yourself and home filled with the Holy Spirit. Say the prayers on the "prayers for protection" section of my website.

4) Start a daily bible study. The more you get close to God, the harder is is for the entities to be in your life. If your life and home are filled with God, there is no room for them.

5) Play christian choir music in your home throughout the day and night. Even if the volume is low. They can't stand it, and will try to avoid being in the area.

6) Play audio sermons as well. There are many many free podcasts you can download (Chuck Missler, Charles Stanley,Alistair Begg, Chuck Swindoll, Paul Washer, etc.). Look for pastors that preach directly from the Bible. Avoid "message" or self help pastors. Music or sermons praising God will be very unpleasant for them."

Read more on this at

Amen! My spirit bears witness to all that! So do it! God bless :)

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