Monday, May 22, 2017

What a Church Service Should be Like

Here is what the Quakers did in some services and I love this idea! They would have random worship services where God's spirit would lead rather then a program. 

"Unprogrammed worship (also known as waiting worship, "silent worship", or holy communion in the manner of Friends) is based on the practices of George Fox and the Early Friends, who based their religious beliefs and practices on their interpretation of how the early Christians worshipped God their Heavenly Father. Friends gather together in "expectant waiting upon God" to experience his still small voice leading them from within. There is no plan on how the meeting will proceed, and actual practice varies widely between Meetings and individual worship services. Friends believe that God plans what will happen, with his spirit leading people to speak. When a participant feels led to speak, he or she will stand and share a spoken message of ("vocal ministry") in front of others. When this happens, Quakers believe that the spirit of God is speaking through the speaker. After someone has spoken, it is generally considered good etiquette to allow a few minutes pass in silence before further vocal ministry is given. Sometimes a meeting is entirely silent, sometimes many speak. These meetings lasted for several hours in George Fox's day. Modern meetings are often limited to an hour, ending when two people (usually the elders) exchange the sign of peace by handshake... Those who worship in this style hold each person to be equal before God and capable of knowing the light of God directly. Anyone present may speak if they feel led to do so."  THAT is what church should look like.  I think anyways :)

This is like what Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:26, "When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification."  Amen! If I ever start a church, like my husband and I maybe could someday, I would run it like this!  And I hope all ya'll could come. ;)  I have always felt like a sermon by one guy just doesn't make sense.  Like in my spirit I have always felt that, that that is not what God wants to have happen in a church service.  That's why everyone is so bored with church, because they never get to participate!  It's like school where we are all told "sit down and shut up" essentially.  I mean no one says that but that feeling is there, in school and in church.  But my favorite classes in school were my English classes where everyone got to talk and participate.  Isn't that a beautiful thing when every voice in a group of people can be heard and gets to be heard?!  Amen!

In church we really need to all be able to participate, then everyone would want to go to church!  But as it is now it's just a concert and then a one-man-show.  I really don't think that was how God intended church to be.  Why?  Because then people end up worshiping the pastor rather then God.  People might not admit to it but that happens ALL the time.  Yes there are gifts of teaching, but each church has more then one teacher, and there are OTHER gifts besides just teaching.  Why can't the other teachers teach too?  And why can't the other gifts of the spirit get to participate to?  No wonder the tongues speakers try forcing tongues on everyone, because it's a push back of them being ignored in the church for so long!  Everyone just cares about those with the gift of teaching, but what about those with other gifts?  Amen?

God may you open our eyes and hearts to this idea and may we love others who are different from ourselves.  May your church in America BE different, as Francis Chan always talks about that it needs to be.  It really does!  Amen.

I actually initiated this type of random worship in my college choir group.  Before our concerts when on tour we would have a time of testimony and prayer.  I gave my testimony one night but it was very short so I then opened it up for an open time of silent prayer, speaking aloud prayer, or worship.  Anyone could pray or start singing a song and we would all join in.  It was absolutely beautiful!  God was SO THERE with us!  I felt God so much more in that setting.  We were all listening to hear from God on what to pray or what song to sing.  It was like heaven on earth! 

I got the idea for that from the church I was raised in.  It was called "the local church."  That was their style of holding meetings.  Each would take turns suggesting a song or sharing what God was teaching them or praying.  There weren't any tongues speakers there though.  I loved the random type of worship services.  I was only 0 to 6 in that church but I somewhat remember how they were ran.  It was great!

  And that is my dream for the church today, that we would allow freedom for God to move!  And that churches wouldn't just be focused on one man, the pastor or the worship leader, but that all the people would get to participate, like Paul says we should.  Otherwise what is the point of gathering together?  You could just watch the same worship and sermon online at home. 

What really is the difference between being a spectator at church or at home?  Nothing really.  Except you might talk to a few people before you leave, maybe.  But church needs to be different amen?!  It needs to be open to let God move.  It needs to bring everybody in so everyone feels heard and important.

And may that be how church in America and around the world can start to be.  In Jesus' name amen!

May God bless you all!

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