Thursday, October 24, 2019

Things From the Devil

Here are things, in my opinion, that are from the devil;, credit cards, pornography, football and donuts.

Donuts are from Satan because there is absolutely no benefit to your body in eating them.  Brownies could be said to have some health benefits because chocolate is actually good for you, but donuts are horrible.  They are by far the worst thing you could eat in the entire world.  So don't eat them.  That's my advice to you all. :) is from Satan for sure, unless you can use it in moderation, which is hard.  Unfortunately, just like a lot of men can't use alcohol in moderation, most women can't use in moderation.  I recommend you stay away from it entirely if you don't want your marriage to suffer and eventually die from such a harmful addiction.  I was grossly addicted to Amazon for 6 years of my marriage and it stressed my ex out to no end.  Stay away from it.  For sure. ;)

Credit cards are overall evil.  Stay away from them if you can. The interest on them is ridiculous.  If you want something, wait until you have money in your bank account to buy it.  Don't ever use a credit card.  And of course try to have savings for things like car repairs so you won't need a credit card.

Pornography is from Satan for sure.  I'm sure most people already realize that.  If you are with someone, looking at porn counts as cheating for sure.  Don't look at it.  It will for sure destroy any relationship you are in.

And lastly I say football is from Satan because it can dominate so much time for men.  Most women want their men to focus on them when they are home.  Football causes many men to be distracted from their wives and kids and that is very, very sad.  Your family should be your first priority, never sports.  There is no point to sports anyways, ultimately.  It's just a chasing after the wind and a silly waste of time.

If you want to stay married forever, I recommend you avoid these 5 things.  And then you will live long and prosper and stay in love with your spouse forever, most likely, God willing. :)

And make sure you both go to church at least once a week.  It helps to be around godly people to inspire you to stay on track in trying to be a godly person.

I hope this blog benefited you all a bit.  God loves you!

God bless! :)

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