Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Dream

 "The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do."

If I was the president 

That would be awesome!

Mexicans would be made citizens 

So they pay taxes like the rest of us 

I would keep our nation safe 

I would suck up to other leaders 

Everyone would love us

But I would never, Ever 

Give other countries money

They can take of themselves 

Tough love is usually the best way to love

There would be welfare for 2 months

Then they should find a job

If they can't walk, family should step up

If I was in the White House 

I would not be a mouse 

I would lead our leaders with courage 

We would do anything we had to 

To keep America safe 

If I could run this country 

I would clean out all the evil

No one would hurt a child 

Or if they did, prison for life!

Big guns would be banned 

Abortions up to 3 months legal

Gay marriage is fine 

But I would recommend counseling first 

The trash would all be picked up

The police would be more kind 

The minimum wage would be $18

Gas prices would stay around $2

Homes would be cheaper 

No more homos around kids ever!

If I was president 

I would take up resident 

As our US leader forever 

If I could 


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