Monday, June 10, 2024

Pull Out Method

 Is it wise to have 12 kids? A lot of cultures are all for that. I have observed that the more babies a woman has the more it deteriorates her body. I have had 3. Am I less healthy now? Yes. But it was worth it. Having more than 3 I would not recommend. Use the pull out method. 😁

I know some are all for birth control pills. I'll just say I tried taking those for 3 months, but then my uterus was in serious pain so I stopped taking them. I don't think it is a good idea for women to take those. Use the pull out method instead. It works. 😁

I think most don't know about this very safe and effective form of birth control. You don't need any other kind. Is it sad for the man to have to pull out? Eh. I will say the intimacy is less passionate, but passion is evil anyways right? Or it can be. Passion can cause you to worship your mate making them an idol or a god. But only God should be your God. Never worship a person. Only worship God. Never love a person too much. Save your heart for God. 

If all couples did the pull out method, then abortions would never be needed ever again. How awesome would that be? πŸ˜πŸ‘ It just sounds like a very crazy process. A baby is cut up and vacuumed out. Ewe and wow. Just use the pull out method. Why create life just to kill it? All couples should have one kid and use the pull out method after that. No one needs more than one child. All siblings do is mostly fight anyways. πŸ˜ͺ

A lot of couples abstain from sex to stop having kids. That leads to affairs. If the man or woman misses sex too much they will find someone else. Sex should be often, but use the pull out method.

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