Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Ruler or Slave

 Women can be in change 

But then some say she got too large 

Is it only men who should rule?

That is what most say is cool

What if men and women are equal?

Wouldn't that be better?

We say women have been liberated 

But then why the make up and high heels

And having to stay a size 2?

Who is still the boss then?

Women are not free 

We just appear different now 

Will we ever get a woman president?

Probably not 

Because the world is tilted 

Toward only men and jilted 

Any woman who wants authority 

"Stay in your place"

They say to us women

Not with words but actions 

Cook and clean and make a baby 

"Ok" we say 

With our head dropped low 

"If that is all I'm good for"

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