Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cancer and Our Lifestyle

When I was younger I thought I would discover the cure for cancer someday. :)

I wanted to get a degree in Biology, become a botanist, and climb trees in South America. 

I thought maybe the cure for cancer would be in some undiscovered plant in some exotic dense rain forest.

Cancer is a very odd phenomenon if you really think about it.

And as far as I know it didn't even exist over 40 years ago. 

No one's great grandparents died of cancer.

So what do we have in our modern society that they didn't have then?

McDonald's and other fast food for one.

Medications.  Pharmaceuticals.  Ever since the drug revolution of the 60's, drugs have become a huge part of our every day lives, some are legal and some are not.

It's possible the ozone layer is getting more and more depleted due to increased emissions from cars etc.  So we are getting more and more harmful rays from the sun. 

I don't think that has led to the myth of "global warming," but cancer, perhaps.

What did the American diet consist of 50 or 60 years ago?  More salad I'm sure, and more vegetables.

Meatloaf, pasta, fruit, nuts.....

What did it not consist of....not as much ice cream or cake I'm sure. :)  Not processed foods like TV dinners.  I have always been very much against TV dinners.  All the preservatives in them could easily be a cause of cancer.

Did you know every day our body produces a cell that would have been cancer but our immune system kills it.

So cancer, therefore, seems to be caused by the breaking down of one's immune system.

What keeps a healthy immune system? 

SLEEP is a BIG NUMBER ONE on that list.  Most people really need at least 9 hours of sleep every night.  But how much sleep do most people get?  5, maybe

What else....eating green things, as my grandma always told me.  Anything green that you eat will make you live forever she said, except green jello of course. :)

Just think of what Adam and Even probably ate in the Garden of Eden....lots and LOTS of fruit....probably vegetables, because Adam worked a garden, tomatoes, grain of some sort....

Also how much would they have slept? 

They most likely slept from sundown to sun up, which if you think about it would be about 12 hours in the winter and 9 hours in the summer. 

That was how things were supposed to be.

My entire life I have always gotten at least 8 hours of sleep every night.  I have always known that sleep is very, very important. 

People may say they don't have that much time.  But we make time for what we want to make time for.  It would usually just mean less or no TV for most people and hence more sleep. :)
Also, it's interesting that humans didn't even eat meat until after the flood.

I've always been somewhat anti-meat, at least anti eating a lot of meat. 

I probably only eat meat once a week, like chicken for one meal. 

I get my protein from eggs, cheese, nuts, yogurt and milk.  And I eat a lot of fruit.  :)

Although according to my grandma I shouldn't even have milk, yogurt or cheese.  She always said milk was made for baby cows, not people.  But I love dairy and that would mean no ice cream either, which would be very sad. lol :)

But biblically milk would seem to be ok, because the Israelites were headed for a land "flowing with milk and honey."  That could have been goat's milk, but who knows.  :)

I think exercise is important, but not as important as what food we put in our body.  Some foods simply can't be digested, and all the exercise in the world won't matter if you're eating a lot of processed foods. 

But our lives are very sedentary now.  I'm guessing in the Garden of Eden, Eve's life consisted of walking around the garden all day while Adam worked the garden.  It doesn't really say what Eve did, but I'm guessing she walked around a lot.

But today we sit a lot.  We sit when we drive.  We sit while the laundry machine is running, instead of how we used to manually have to wash clothes.  We sit and watch TV. 

And we don't have to walk to get anything.  We don't have to walk to get water.  We don't have to walk to get food, except just a short saunter into the kitchen. 

Everything is right at our finger tips.  Hence the obesity epidemic in America. 

So what is the cure for cancer? 

Perhaps just eating better and sleeping more. 

If I get cancer at some point then you will know I'm wrong. :)  But for the most part I have slept plenty and eaten relatively well, and I don't think I will get cancer.  At least I'm hoping I won't. :) 

I have never been addicted to smoking.  I've never been addicted to anything really. 

I have only drank in excess I think 5 times in my life.  I admit I tried pot once but otherwise have not done drugs.

I have never taken a prescription for anything, other than anti-biotics when I was very little for ear infections. 

I have tried to avoid soda for the most part and desserts other than ice cream.  I haven't eaten candy much since I was a kid. 

The only thing that really is lacking in my life though is eating more vegetables.  I'm big on fruit but not so big on veggies. 

You know how they say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away?"  Well perhaps 5 fruits a day keeps any disease at all away and will keep you out of the hospital completely. :)

The only time I've needed to see a Dr. was when my appendix burst when I was 10.  I had surgery and they removed it.  But otherwise I have been perfectly healthy, aside from getting the flu sometimes. 

Praise God!  Of course my good health could also be attributed to God's protection and my guardian angels.  :)   

But yes, I highly advise you look at what you eat and try to eat more fruit. :)  And you will live long and prosper lol hopefully. 

God bless!

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