Friday, June 7, 2013

Kim Walker

Probably the Christian that I most admire in the world and that I feel is the most anointed is Kim Walker. Check out her story here:

She points how worship is not just about music; it's about God's presence, about feeling his presence and Responding when we feel him. It's about honoring and praising God. Worship doesn't have to just be in singing.

I think my blogging is my form of worship for the time being. I love to sing too, but anything we do to bring God glory and honor IS worship. Anything we do that brings attention to him is worship. Anything we do that says "Thank you!" and "You're so amazing!" is worship. :)

She points out the verse that "We love God because he FIRST loved us."

She says, "When we get one taste of his love, we cannot help but fall so crazy in love with him." Amen? Amen. Why? Because we are grateful, that the God of the Universe loves US!

"All it takes is one encounter with God's love and you cannot help but be changed."

Because God's love is so amazing! It is so different from anything else we have ever felt! It is the only thing that can fill us to overflowing and give us a full and whole life! :)

She says, "If you are not passionate about your relationship with Jesus, it's because you don't KNOW how much he loves you."

That's true. I used to not get it. I used to think God loved me IF I did a,b and c and didn't do d, e, and f lol But I remember one evening I was reading, ironically, about the 5 points of Calvinism in my room, and it just hit me like suddenly. The light went on, for the second time, and I was like "Woah, God REALLY loves me! Like just me, not anything I have done or can do. He just loves ME!" And I was completely blown away by that realization. :)

I wonder if you have had that; that light go on. Do you know how MUCH God loves you? Do you know that he died for you he loves you so much? You know you really love someone when you would be willing to DIE for them. Have you ever felt that much love for someone else?

Most people with children know what that intensity of love is like. Well THAT is how much God loves you! Amen? Yes :)

Kim says, "I know that I know that I know that my father is crazy about me."

Some people question if they are really saved. Don't do that. Don't doubt God's promises to you and his love for you. If you are his child, he is completely crazy about you! You are the apple of his eye! And he is so proud of you, no matter how much you might fall or struggle.

He can't get enough of spending time with you. He always wants to hear what you have to say. He always wants to wrap his arms around you and comfort you, if you will let him.

This is my favorite song by Kim Walker.... "You Are Faithful."

God does not promise like man might promise. God lives up to his word. He is faithful to his word.

May you know more and more how MUCH God loves you. :) It will change your life once you fully realize how much he does. :)

May God bless you!

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