Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Falling in the Spirit and "Holy" Laughter

From a friend regarding being "slain in the spirit."

"I had a friend who said that she was spending time with these people who believe in being slain in the spirit. She said she actually received the power to do it.  She didn't even have to touch anyone, she just put her hand out and people would fall. She said she had no doubt that it was from satan. She just didn't feel right about it."

Watch this please:

Or here are the best quotes from this video. :)

"All things should be tested."

"Sometimes people only love you when you agree with everything they say and do."

"I've seen a lot of people convulsing and I always thought that was a power from God.  But in the Bible the only time people were convulsing was when they were possessed by a demon."

"I used to think all powers were from God.  I was never trained to test things.  I just accepted that every power was from God."

"Holy laughter isn't holy."

"One time I remember a man blowing on me.  I literally lost consciousness, fell to the ground, got back up and that was it.  People were lined up, this man would blow on everybody and everybody would fall down.  I remember hearing things that day that I don't necessarily believe were all from God."

"I asked Jesus 'What would be the benefit of men having powers like this?  What would be the advantage of this?  How would the devil, the enemy, benefit from this.' "

"Jesus' answer to me was, "If I were the devil I would deceive men into believing they had GREAT powers.  The people would be moved by GREAT signs and wonders.  They would begin to put ALL their trust in these great "men of God."  They would be convinced that God was doing great and mighty things in their midst. 

Meanwhile, in the midst of all their fervor, their hearts would grow complacent.  They would be CONVINCED that God was moving among them, so they would ABANDON reading their Bibles.

  If I were the devil, I would do everything in my power to see that the people give ALL of their resources to support these men and their ministries. 

If I were the devil, I would convince these people that ALL these men are anointed.  They would in turn forget that the Bible says that WE ARE ALL ANOINTED, and that we ALL have certain gifts. 

I would try to keep the believers so CAUGHT UP in revelry and movings and outpourings, that they would FORGET the words of Jesus.  They would start to think that EXPERINECES were more important than the Word of God.  They would listen with OPEN ears to anything this man says, because they believe that he is a POWERFUL man. 

I would fill entire stadiums full of people where they would see such GREAT outpourings that they would FORGET TO TEST EVERYTHING against God's Word, because they would be DISTRACTED by the sings and wonders. 

All the people's attention would be on the man in the front, who would teach a wide path gospel message of hope and prosperity, and people would FORGET the call for self denial and the cross would loose its power among the people.  You see if I was the devil, I would know once the people forget the power of the cross, then they are already mine.  (The power of the cross being that it is ONLY when we die to ourselves that we CAN TRULY live in victory.) 

If I were the devil, I would see to it that people were PUFFED UP and prideful because they PERCEIVE that God is in their midst because they see all these GREAT powers.  They would begin to COMPARE themselves to other denominations and HATRED and division would only increase.  They would see that these great signs and wonders are only happening amongst their denomination and so they would perceive that only THEIR teachings are true. 

If I were the devil I would COUNTERFEIT miracles and other gifts of God so that people will more readily put up with UNSOUND doctrine, because you see, if I disguise myself as something good, I will be able to deceive many.  The Bible says I can appear as an angel of light AND I WILL APPEAR AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT and deceive many."

Hence, the falling away we are seeing now, in our last days. 

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