Thursday, October 29, 2015

Increased Demonic Activity on Halloween

Eph.6:12, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Tomorrow is Halloween and I think all Christian should fast and pray all day. I'm half kidding. But seriously, there is definitely an increase in demonic activity on Halloween. It's not just superstition. Ghosts, demons, etc. are not just made up stories; they are real. Ghosts are generally demons that people are seeing; they are not dead people etc.

There really is a danger also in how we choose to decorate our houses for Halloween. Something as simple as owls even can attract evil spirits. Read the book "The Bondage Breaker" for more info on that.

But demons really are more attracted to certain things, like people wearing all black. That is why people who are more mentally disturbed tend to wear all black.

They are also attracted to symbols like upside down crosses etc.

Just be careful what you wear, what your kids wear, and how your house is decorated for Halloween.

Maybe put a cross somewhere outside your house. I think that can kind of be like the Israelites putting blood over their door posts at the Passover in Egypt. Crosses might actually ward off evil spirits.

I like to put a cross and an angel in each room of my apt/house at all times, to symbolically show that each room is protected from evil spirit by the blood of the cross and a guardian angel lol. Seems silly but if it works that's great! :)

Anyways, be careful tomorrow for Halloween. I have never had anything crazy happen to me on Halloween, but my friends have. Feel free to share any stories you have heard or experienced regarding Halloween and demonic activity. I do always feel that there is something different in the air, so to speak. There just seems to be more evil out there, and there probably is. Witches are real and people really do worship Satan. There is more of this going on on Halloween I think.

So be safe and God bless! May God protect you all tomorrow from anything that Satan would try to throw at you. And may you guard against inviting any evil spirit to your home, self, or children. Amen. God bless! :)

On Student Loans

I was just thinking how the main reason I might start working in real estate would be in order to pay off my student loans. Yep, that sucks.

I'm sending my daughters to community college for sure, that's all I know!

Student loans royally suck to have. :(  Such a burden on your shoulders.

Go to community college if you are young. Forget about the hype of being in a University. There really isn't much difference between the two, and the people are nicer in community colleges.

Definitely don't rack up tons of debt like I did. You will GREATLY regret it. :(

God bless!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dream House Found

I think we have finally found the perfect home set up in Jerrell, TX. This will be our first home buying experience.  I'm 30 and have just been renting up to this point.  I suppose most people buy a home around 30 years old.  That seems to be when adulthood really, actually begins and adolescence and immaturity finally ends. lol :)

 It's a house that would only be about 15 minutes from my mom which would be great. She is retired now and can help a lot with my two girls, hopefully. :)

The house is literally only 128k and built in 2007. That is so amazing! I have never heard of such a great deal! Being from California I have definitely never heard of anything that cheap for something so... new. :)

Granted it's only 1100 sq. feet for three bedrooms but oh well. It's a really nice looking house. Can't have it all lol. Great price and a giant house. It's one or the other of course. 
But there's even a pool in the community. I'm pretty excited about it! Please pray that we can get it before anyone else does. lol

That's the tricky thing about real estate is that at any hour a house could be gone lol. That's why it's so stressful.

I have 6 other houses that I could go for too, but this one seems like the best deal by far! woot! May God keep opening doors as he already has yay!

God bless!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Poopy Diapers

Here's a good mother tip for all you other moms out there, :) when you change your baby's diaper, try to scrape off as much of the poop as you can with the actual diaper. Then you won't have to wipe up as much with wet wipes. yay!
I actually have thought of writing about that for literally two years now, but no one likes to think about poop. lol But for every mom, poop is a very big part of our daily lives. lol :)
May God bless all you other moms and give you the endurance and patience you need every day! Amen! :)

On Providing for Children

My ultimate goal is to be a parent like the parents in the movie my Big Fat Greek Wedding, when they gave their daughter a full on house at her wedding! I want to be in such a position that I am able to buy Joy and Serenity both their own house someday. Lord willing that will happen and Ben and I will be able to do that. Amen!
That's why maybe we will buy several mobile homes and rent them out. And if we get a couple acres of land my goal is to plant a small apple orchard on it, which is the most profitable crop you can plant. And I hope to breed dogs, possibly Pomeranians. Awe....cuz they are the cutest dog I think! And since they are small they will be great for any family with kids. Yay.
God Bless!

How Wives Can Help Their Husbands Out

Women are always complaining if their husband's don't help them with their housework, but what do women do to help their husbands with their jobs?

Since I met and married Ben, I've probably applied for around 40 different jobs for him. lol I'm always looking for the BEST job for him. Because he deserves the best!
If your husband is stressed all the time and hates his job, try applying for other jobs for him. Don't expect him to help you around the house if he is overly stressed from work. Fix the problem first. Get him a job that is less stressful, and then you might get the help you are wanting. It's not all about you, the wife, it's about the both of you and what can make you both happy. Figure out what he needs to be happy, rather than just thinking of what would make you more happy. Paul said, "Each of you should look out for the interests of others and not just your own interests." 

And the biggest thing that makes husbands happy is....well all wives know.  Do what they would like, within reason.  :)  They provide for you, if they are the bread winner, and they deserve to be rewarded.  Stop depriving your husband of sex ladies!  Christian women are the worst at this, as if sex is still bad in marriage or something.  Women need to talk and converse and cuddle etc. and men just need sex.  That's just the basic truth.  Watch the movie "The Ugly Truth" if you haven't already.  It's hilarious!  So give your husband sex ladies.  Once or twice a week should be good enough but every guy is different. 
God bless!

On Spouses Sleeping Separately

So my hubby Ben and I sleep separately in separate rooms. We have pretty much all along after the first 6 months of marriage. After the honeymoon phase and glow wore off, and it does for everyone, I was like "Ah I need to sleep alone like I did when I was single!" It's very freeing actually. He snores, I snore. Who says married couples have to sleep in the same bed? You don't, and if you are married and can't sleep cuz your spouse snores, just sleep in separate rooms and separate beds. God will not be mad at you lol and hopefully your spouse won't either. You gotta get good sleep for sure! Or else you are MIA for everything else in life, work or kids. You can find other time and other ways to do "the marital thing." Don't have to sleep in the same bed to do that. lol
God bless!

Bugs and Bleach

So we had some crazy bug issue for a VERY long 4 months or so awhile back. They seemed to come in from outside, like whenever I had any windows open they would flood in through the screens I was guessing.

I had and still have no idea what the bug was cuz I couldn't see it. I could feel them big time though! Mainly just when I laid down to go to sleep. So whatever it was, they loved blankets and sheets. I would wash the sheets and they seemed to get on t...hem just hours later from the air or who knows where they were hiding. They were NOT bed bugs. Bed bugs you can see. These little demon bugs were invisible or too small to see. lol And demons they certainly seemed to be because they poked and tormented me for a very long time.

Anyways, I think what fixed it finally was one, the weather getting colder, praise God! And me spraying bleach water allllll over all the time; on any carpet or rugs, the mattresses etc. Bleach really does kill every evil thing yay! Of course it's best to spray a room down, turn a fan on and shut the door. Try to not get yourself high on bleach lol cuz you can.

So if you have any kind of bug issue, seriously FORGET all the retarded bug sprays that really don't work anyways. Just spray bleach water all over. woot! yay for bleach!

On a spiritual note: I asked God why he was letting us be tortured by the tiny bugs the way he was.  Even my daughter Serenity got bug bites sometimes; little red bumps all over her body that drove me nuts!  I told God if I was suicidal that would make me want to kill myself.  Good thing I'm not and I love being alive.  But the answer I felt that I heard back from God was, "So that you will grow in wisdom."  So now I have more wisdom on bug killing!  That's good I guess. lol  Hope this can help a lot of you out there if you have bug issues.  This too shall pass.  Just hang in there.  And KEEP CLEANING! lol :) 

God bless!

On Bottle Propping

I know lots of moms don't approve of this, but it really takes a load off if you prop a baby's bottle up on a blanket sometimes. If you have tons of chores to do it can save you some time. And if you have a crazy pinched nerve in your neck like I do from holding your baby so much, try laying her down, but make sure at a raised incline, and prop a bottle on a blanket for her to drink, formula or pumped breast milk. The baby will turn away from the bottle naturally when he/she is done and full. Make sure you keep the baby where you can always see him or her when doing this though. And then pick the baby up to burp him or her or he/she will get hiccups for awhile. Just a tip to help other moms out there not be so stressed and take a load off. God bless!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Housing Update

Well we just might end up changing our mind ten times before we settle on something lol.  Our current thoughts is that we should still rent an apartment but out by my mom in Georgetown.  It doesn't make any logical sense for us to buy anything anywhere until we get our tax return, because then we will be getting another 8k or so that we can use for a down pmt.  Every parent gets about 4k back per child that they report for their taxes.  Praise God for our government actually caring about the cost of raising children, like diapers and formula! lol  We easily blew over $2,000 just on formula for Serenity this past year.  Kids really are expensive my goodness! 

Anyways, so an apartment again it is.  And then hopefully with the money from selling our two cars and our tax return in about 6 months we can buy a super cool house that has a pool in the community in Austin TX.  And maybe some tennis courts and basketball courts too. 

I used to live in Woodbridge in Irvine, CA and we had everything and anything there.  Man I loved living there!  The community had about 6 different pools, hot tubs, 15 tennis courts, a couple of basketball courts, and a lake even!  See that's how California people always stay in such great shape! lol

The lake had paddle boats and kayaks AND canoes.  I was certainly spoiled getting to live there!  It was like heaven on earth!  I lived with my parents there in that house from age 22 to 25.  Best three years of my life I would say!  Hands down!  Very little bills, very little stress.  I only dated about 3 guys in that whole time period cause I had almost no desire to move out on my own lol. 

I was so happy living there in Irvine.  I would ride my bike around once a week and see beautiful scenery, lakes, ducks, turtles etc.  It was awesome! :)  Thanks David, my step dad, for buying that house in Irvine!  Those were the happiest years of my life!

So a set up like that is what would be ideal to me.  Ben wants a mobile home on land in the country.  But I, being a city girl always, want a nice house in the middle of the city.  lol That's California vs. Texas for you I guess.  I like new things, Ben likes old things.  Ben likes brown and wood, I like metal things and black and white.  haha Fun stuff. :)

Anyways, may God open doors at the best and safest and coolest apartment complex for us by my mom!  May we be patient in regards to buying a house and just wait.  And may we get the best house possible when the timing is right.  Amen!

Hope you get to buy an awesome house too someday, whoever you are reading this.  :)

May God bless you!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

I love 90's Music!

I think the 90's was the most intelligent era for music.  It just seems that the lyrics are more deep than any other era of music.  Like the songs by Alanis Morsette for example, Matchbox 20, Third Eye Blind. :)  Great music!

It's almost therapeutic for me to listen to the 90's station on our cable, because it takes me back to my junior high years.  I was greatly influence by music then and I think hearing the music again makes me realize why I did some of the things I did or thought the things I thought, about the world, life, love etc.  That was a very powerful time in my life.  Well in most people's lives, the junior high years are the formative years, the coming of age years. 

Anyways, I love 90's music.  It's so fun to hear songs that you haven't heard for like 20 years.  Ah, I'm so old lol :)

God bless!

Vicks Vapo Rub

Vicks Vapo Rub is a Miracle Cure!

Vicks Vapo Rub is by far your one stop shop for any cure on the face of the planet! lol  It kills athletes foot and any other kind of fungus or bacteria you might have on your skin. 

I actually used it to heal my labor stitches and they are healed almost 100% already thanks to Vicks Vapo Rub. 

It works great on sore muscles!  Just as good as icy hot but it doesn't burn like icy hot can.  It literally instantly stops any pain that you might have.  Well, depending on the severity of the pain. :)

It smells great!  I love the smell anyways. 

It clears up any sinus headaches you might have and decreases your mucus, especially if you rub it directly on your forehead and nose. 

It helps you cough less. 

It cools you off. 

It helps any rashes you might have on your skin. 

And I'm sure there are many other benefits that someone could find for it. 

God bless!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Season of Fall

I love October and November! 
I love the new smells of fireplaces burning all over and the crisp coolness of the air! 
I love that I feel like I can breath pure, fresh air again outside. 
I love the cooler nights and the sunny cool days. 
Fall is wonderful! :) 
Fall is my favorite season! 
(and that is my poem tribute to fall lol)

Christmas Decor for Halloween

I'm excited about a poster I just ordered on Amazon!  It says "Unto a child is born."  I'm gonna put it outside on the window of our patio.  AND my light up cross from last winter. woohoo!

Since I don't care at all to decorate for Halloween, I'm just gonna skip to Christmas and decorate for that.  Praise God for Christmas and may God protect us all on Halloween! 

The cross I feel is kind of like the blood the Israelites put on their doorposts at Passover;  maybe it will help protect our home from the increased demonic activity around Halloween time. :(  Yep.  I recommend you putting up some crosses to too protect your home.  Might seem overly superstitions but if it helps why not do it? lol God bless!

Game Plan for Grandparent Care

Ok here's my thoughts on how I would take care of my grandparents....

My grandma doesn't have her teeth anymore so she could eat yogurt mostly and drink protein shakes.  That was pretty much all I consumed for awhile in my life, which was how I stayed skinny lol  Slim fast shakes could work for her too. :)  She could also eat oatmeal, which is great, maybe eggs...etc.

We could get a TV for their room and they would probably be as happy as clams laying in bed watching TV together.  I don't think they have ever, ever done that actually because their TV was always in the living room.  They don't even know how awesome it is to lay in bed and watch TV lol so funny. :)

My grandpa could go for walks outside on our land.  That would be good for him to get outside.  He has always loved getting exercise and being outside a lot. 

We will be getting dogs soon, two labs, which would be gentle enough dogs that hopefully they wouldn't knock my grandpa over. lol

I might have to help my grandma shower but I'm hoping we can get a nurse out to our house just to do that every day, because I would rather not.  That would be awkward. :)

I guess my grandma has diapers which probably my grandpa could change but I could help.

My grandpa still has teeth so he can eat pizza and stuff so that's good. :)

I can get a chair for their room so I can go in and sit and talk to my grandma, since she will pretty much be stuck in her room since she is bedridden. be continued....

Friday, October 23, 2015


Here why we should probably let my grandparents live with us and care for them....

1 Timothy 5:4, "But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God."

That's a pretty intense verse lol but yes amen. They should be repaid for all they have done! Yep!

The estimated time that I feel God telling me is that my grandma has 6 months left to live and my grandpa has 2 to 3 years.  It's just an impression that I have.  Not that I heard some audible voice lol.  It's just a sense that I have in my gut, so to speak.

I would love it so much if my grandpa could kind of mentor my hubby.  He is the most godly man ever!  He might as well have been Billy Graham cause that's how I see him lol :)  Go grandpa!

I have a very strong sense that the reason we got approved within ONE DAY for the mobile home and everything is working out so easily is SO THAT I can have a place to care for my grandparents.  It's the least I can do, with all they have done for me over the years.  And all they did for my mom, giving her money when she was a single mom many times etc.  They have done so much for us for sure.

I'm thinking they can have the master bedroom.  We can get them a TV.  My grandma is bed ridden so I would have to bring her food.  My grandpa can walk around though so he could always bring her food too. :)  hm...

It would be interesting for sure.  I wouldn't be bored like ever. lol  I could hear more of their wonderful stories about their awesome lives.  I might even write my grandma's book.  She has been saying for years that I would write the book about her life someday, so maybe I would.  Her story needs to be told I think.  I could just self publish the book like I did my other ones.  Would it sell?  Who knows.  But at least I can make her dream come true of having a book about her life stories.

May God give us all wisdom on what to do on this and when to do things.  Amen.  God bless!

Extra Room for Grandparents?

We will most likely be buying the 4 bedroom double wide mobile home soon and we will have an extra room.  I'm not entirely sure who will be living in that extra room yet, or why God has opened the doors so well for us to get such a big mobile home.  It makes me think someone else is supposed to live there with us, but who?  hm.....

Well my grandparents are about to move into an "old folks home."  This somewhat makes me sad because my other grandma lived in one for a long time in San Diego before she died, and I think it was overall a very sad experience her.  I used to drive all the way to San Diego from the OC and go visit her every couple weeks and she said to me once; "Lisa people don't come her to live, they come here to die."  She said this to me as she was watching paramedics go into her neighbors house and possibly come out with a dead body.  Yikes. :(  I can imagine that would be a very sad place to live, with people dying all around you left and right. 

That's just not how it was meant to be.  I am a firm believer that elderly people should get to live with their children or grandchildren before they die.  They put a TON of effort into raising their kids, and their kids should repay them by taking care of them in their old age.  That is what it means to "honor your mother and father" in the Bible; to take care of them when they are old. 

So today I was considering that my grandparents, my mom's parents, could maybe live with us soon.  We would have the extra room, I feel like I owe them a lot for all their amazing help in my life, so why not?

But the why not would be that my grandparents fight like cats and dogs lol.  They have been married about 65 years I think, which is really cute, but they can be very mean to each other sometimes.  It's sad. :(  There definitely is a lot of anger and tension between them.  They seem to deeply love each other but also deeply hate each other at the same time.  It is very strange.  That is one reason I waited so long to get married lol because I didn't want to have a marriage that was anything like theirs for the most part.

So my second thought, and this might be easier, is that after my grandma dies my grandpa could come live with us until he dies.  It sounds odd to estimate a thing like death, but I think my grandma only has about 6 months left to live.  This is the grandma who radically touched my life when I was 14 and we moved to Cali.  She inspired me to be a better person and stop sneaking out at night and drinking and smoking and having boyfriends and shoplifting etc.  She encouraged me to finally respect my mom and most importantly, to respect and honor God with my life. Amen. Yes I was in pretty bad shape when she got a hold of me lol thanks to my parents divorce.  Divorce really does mess children up A LOT.  I was just trying to forget the pain I think of having a broken home so I did tons of bad things to distract myself.  And if it wasn't for my grandma's influence and guidance I literally could be in prison today, who knows.  I was certainly headed down that path.  Praise God for my grandma!  Praise God for her so much! :)

But she might not have much time left.  Which is sad. :(  But death is a part of life.  I'm 99% sure that she will be going to heaven, so in a way I can't wait for her to experience the joys of heaven and be done with this annoying thing we call life on earth lol.  I know she is in a lot of pain right now and suffering and I pray God does not prolong her suffering for too long.  I pray that he will take her home, being heaven, soon.  In Jesus' name Amen. :)

About 3 years ago she had a stroke, coma and almost died actually.  I was then in Cali about 2 years ago after my fiance died and hung out with her some.  I even took her to my church Mariners with me. :)  She said to me, "Lisa I just don't know why God didn't take me.  I don't know why I'm still alive."  I didn't know why either. 

At the time I was asking the same question actually; why did God kill Roger and not me?  I suppose it was so that I could have my two wonderful daughters though and hopefully change the world for Christ through my writing.  Yeah! :)  But Roger had two kids already.  I wondered for awhile why God couldn't have taken me instead of him.  For awhile I wished that God had done that, because outliving someone you love can be very, very hard.  :(

One thought I had recently was maybe God is keeping my grandma alive so that she can see my children before she dies.  Most kids don't get to meet their great grandmas but maybe mine could. :)  She and I were always super close, I think because we are so similar, so I would love if she could meet my children before she dies. :(  So maybe both of them could live with us.  But of course my hubby would have to be ok with that, which as of now he doesn't like the idea.  I don't blame him.  It would be a lot of work. 

But I feel like I owe them SO much.  I wish I could repay them for how bright and amazing they made my life!  My grandpa was like a dad to me after I left my dad and came to Cali when I was 14.  My grandma has always very much been my number one spiritual mentor.  To me, in my eyes, she has always been like Mother Theresa.  I think she lived her life as the Mother Theresa of Orange County, CA. :) 

I always greatly admired her connection to God and her constant effort to witness to almost every single person she came in contact with.  She was NOT afraid at all to share her faith, and neither was my grandpa ever.  I admired greatly their boldness.  I love them both so much!  The world will miss them too because they made any world around them a much, much better place.  There just aren't many people like them alive anymore. 

So may God open doors for them to possibly move in with us, or for at least my grandpa to move in with us.  If we could get paid somehow to take care of them that would be amazing!  I pray things could possibly work out and if they do, that God would give me the strength and energy to serve them in the same love and devotion that they served me all those years.  14 years they did all they could to make sure I turned out into a great citizen and a great Christian.  Praise God for them!  Pray for them please and about all this.  Thank you!  God bless!

Pain in the Neck

If you have lots of shoulder pain and neck pain like me try this: scrunch your shoulder up and tighten them.  Like raise your shoulders up to your ears and tense up.  Hold this for about 10 seconds.  Then release and relax.  You will feel much better instantly. lol  Repeat as necessary. :)

I remember doing this after my last labor and delivery and it helped with the tension in my neck a lot.  No one told me about it; it was just something I randomly thought to do.  Perhaps God told me to do it.  Praise God for the Holy Spirit who leads us into wisdom on all things amen! 

This technique helps a lot if your neck muscles have been stressed and strained recently in any way.  Also of course ice packs and heat packs help too.  And really hot baths with menthol Epsom salts works wonders for sore muscles. :)  Hotter baths might be hard to get used to at first, but take the heat like medicine. lol :)

God bless!

On Drugs

On Drugs

Most dont realize it, but we are all under pressure to take drugs every single day of our lives! The obvious ones are smoking and alcohol.  Alcohol is a drug, and smoking is a drug.  Sure they are legal but they are BOTH just as bad for your body as cocaine or heroine.  Don't smoke and don't drink, if you want to take good care of your body. 

But getting off my high horse lol I will admit I smoked a couple cigarettes the other night. Why? Cuz I've had a throbbing headache for about 6 days now. Plus my husband smokes so there are always cigarettes around, which probably isn't good.  I smoked a lot in Jr. High, as crazy as that sounds, and it is always a bit of a temptation for me.  I smoked my first cigarette when I was 11 years old after my parents divorced.  I was under tons of stress at that time, with my dad always bad mouthing my mom etc., and I think smoking helped me in that time.  It is a good stress reliever, but of course it is horrible for your body, long term.

So parents watch your children.  Yes children can think of smoking as early as 11, I did.  How did I get the cigarettes?  I picked up cigarettes around our apartment complex that weren't fully smoked and finished them.  Yep, pretty disgusting but true. lol

Smoking a few days ago did take the pain of my headache away, but only for about 10 mins and then the pain came right back along with nausea lol.

But besides smoking and alcohol, there are the more subtle drugs that we don't think of, like birth control pills, anti depressants, anti anxiety meds, etc.  Those are drugs too. Sleeping pills are drugs. People feel that these are ok JUST because a Dr. prescibes them, but you mght as well go buy cocaine from a local drug dealer because you are doing the same damage and harm to your body by taking prescription drugs. Drugs are drugs. Dont do drugs.

An exception to this is insulin for diabetics.  Obviously that is necessary for their very own survival.  They would die without it.  But most things people take that doctor's prescribe could be avoided.  There are natural cures that one can do instead of swallowing a pill every day. 

For one, if you have headaches, go to a chiropractor and get your neck fixed.  Headaches almost always originate in our necks.  We carry a TON of stress in our necks.  Also for headaches, get a massager to iron out the kinks in your muscles rather than taking pain meds of any kind.  The more you take advil etc. the more your headache might get worse because of the overload of pain meds in your body.  I have learned this many times from experience.  Usually massage will fix knots in your muscles naturally, which is always ideal, and your headache will go away.

If you are taking anti depressants, try going for a WALK every day.  Studies have shown that 20 minutes of exercise a day has exactly the same effect on the body as taking an anti depressant.  Don't worry about a gym membership or running or overly exerting your body.  Just walk.  That's all you need.  Just move and your depression will probably lift.  Praise God. :)  It's the sitting on the couch all day watching TV thing that leads to depression.  Why?  Because you aren't DOING anything with your life.  Go do something.  Get active.  Help Others.  Stop thinking about yourself all the time.  And you will feel happier and have less depression.  Sorry for the blatant honesty, but someone needs to be honest on this planet. lol  It's the denial of our issues that leads to the continuing of issues.  

If you are taking anti anxiety meds, try taking hot baths every day.  and listen to some relaxing classical music. :)  There is nothing IN THE WORLD more relaxing than a good, long, hot bath. :)

If you are taking sleeping pills, try taking a hot bath right before bed time.  You will fall asleep in minutes, guaranteed. :)  And try to clear your mind as you are falling asleep.  You have to force yourself to STOP thinking and stop moving lol.  I know it's hard, but you can do it. :) 

If you are taking birth control pills, tell your husband to stop being selfish and use condoms.  He still gets to see you naked, that should be enough. lol :)  Yes sex may not feel as good for him then, but then at least you aren't killing your body by taking birth control pills.  Many brands have had MANY lawsuits against them of how they have messed women up, made them unable to ever have children etc.  Be smart.  Don't take birth control pills.  Use condoms.  That is the ONLY form of birth control that doesn't have any bad side effect; the ONLY one. 

So those are some tips for life.  Take them or leave them.  Just passing along wisdom I have learned about things over the years and that I think God has taught me.  Hope God blesses you and may you grow more and more in wisdom every day!  May God wash your mind with his word and may the Holy Spirit give you wisdom in ALL things in life, ALL things.  Amen.  God bless!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

You Have What You Need

This is a great sermon!  Check it out!  I love Joel Osteen. :)

I Found a Miracle Worker

I went to a chiropractor today that I saw a few weeks ago.  The last time he like seriously fixed my lower back in just one session!  This time he literally fixed my neck it seems in one session!  This guy is amazing!  If you live in Odessa or Midland check him out.  It's called Soft Touch Chiropractic and it's right by Midland hospital on Illinois and L st.  Amazing guy with seriously miracle powers or something! lol

Tomorrow I'm going to see him about my jaw.  Please pray that he can figure out how to fix it without it being too painful. lol I wouldn't trust many people to pop my jaw back into place but I trust him.  It's been out of alignment for my whole life it seems.  Like my jaw pops anytime I open my mouth. :(

All this messed up body stuff is because I fell on my face when I was about 8 or so.  My brother and I were riding bikes on a storm drain that looked like a half pipe, yes I was a serious dare devil, and I fell off my bike and onto my face lol.  It was really, really bad.  I had to get stitches in my gums. 

Ever since then I think my neck and jaw have been messed up.  I literally can't sleep on my left side because my jaw hurts too much.  It's very sad. :(  My neck hurts so bad some days I would stick a needle in it just to make the pain go away!  It's horrible.  I know what Paul meant by a thorn in the flesh very much!  I feel like there is a giant thorn in my neck about half the days of my life!

And my lower back was always bad and has always hurt.  Just standing to do dishes has always been really, really painful. 

I played basketball from 4th grade up through college like intramural, so it's very possible that messed up my body in ways too. 

Anyways, I pray and hope he can do a miracle on my jaw tomorrow.  Please pray for me on that, whoever you are reading this.  Thank you!  :)  May God bless you! And if you live by here, seriously come see this guy.  It will change your life! lol :)

Our Possible First Home

Here is something really exciting!

My hubby and I just got officially approved to buy our own land out here in Midland TX and a double wide 4 bedroom mobile home woohoo!  The only problem is my hubby thinks the price is too high so whoever you are reading this, please pray that he will see that it isn't. lol  Any land out here is about 80k per acre.  All double wide mobile homes are 80k or more, ours would be 90k and very nice! 

I pray this works out!  I would love it!  We could breed dogs and have tons of our own land! 
I'm trying to convince his parents to move in with us too actually.  Ben's job is a bit unpredictable.  With the price of oil changing all the time that means the hours at his job change all the time. Which sucks. lol  But if they lived with us and split the mortgage it could all work.  The mortgage would only be $1400 per month.  Not bad at all for four bedrooms!  Yeah! :) 

So may God work it all out.  I really feel this is all a God thing, a divine appointment.  We are going through Palm Harbor homes and it just totally seems meant to be!  I didn't really want to live out in the country but I would be willing to compromise.  If other people get the groceries that would be great! lol :)  I hate, hate getting groceries.  Like really hate it. haha. :)

It's like the coolest looking home ever.  Here is it for any that want to check it out.....

When you know you know.  I know about this mobile home that it's meant to be for us just as much as I knew that Ben was the man I was supposed to marry the first time I talked to him on the phone.  I don't know if that's God or my own intuition, but I seem to have a good sense for things that will work out well.  So that's good. :)

My ultimate dream is that eventually the 6 of us, my mom and step dad, my brother and Ben's sister can all live on this same acre of land in mobile homes. lol I think that would be so cool! :)  yay for families all being together. :)

Also I think I seriously need more help having two kids now.  I had no idea how hard raising two kids 24/7 would be but wow it's hard.  I have to constantly make sure Serenity doesn't poke Joy's eyes out lol.  It's crazy.  Lots of jealousy there I think.  Not all the time, but she definitely is having a hard time with her attention being stolen by a cute baby lol.  Poor Serenity.  Pray for her please too!  I don't want her to feel unloved now.  She is a lot more clingy to me now then she has ever been.  Poor girl!  :(  I feel so bad for her.  But if Ben's parents live with us she would get TONS of attention which would be so wonderful!  I love her so much and want her to never feel neglected amen! :)

So prayers would be much appreciated.  Thank you!  May God bless you all out there and make his face to shine on you and give you peace.  Amen!  God bless!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Carden Heights

I'm thinking now that Ben and I will have like 10 kids or something. lol We were thinking Joy would be our last but the thought of that makes me sad really.  10 kids just might be in our future. lol  We can get a 5 bedroom double wide trailer, have 3 kids per room lol it will be great! 
I always knew all my jobs with children was preparing me to be the best mom ever!  Which I'm not but I'm trying to be. lol 
My hardest job really was at a school called Carden Heights in Orange, CA. Sometimes I was literally in charge of like 50 kids at a time for after school care. It was pretty insane actually. No ratios when it comes to private schools. Looking back I really cannot believe how much responsibility I had there. At any moment the large number of kids could have started a riot and overthrown me as the supreme power watching over them. haha  And then I would have been SOL  :) But praise God my time there went pretty well. The kids were very well behaved and I loved my job there, for the most part. :)  It really was run like a military school so they were very good kids for sure.  The best of the best!  There were hard days for sure, but the good days FAR outweighed the bad days, just like it is in parenting. :)  I thought of quitting many times, but I'm so glad that I didn't. 
Carden was the school where I got to actually be a teacher, which was super cool!  I had my BA in English at that point but no credential yet.  About half of the year, from December to May, I taught 6th, 7th and 8th grade English. "Taught" being a relative term. lol  I didn't lecture really. I just facilitated essay writing and book reading really lol.  We read the Hobbit together, which was tons of fun, and Huck Finn etc.  I love the book Huck Finn. :) I've never been big on lectures and always hated sitting in them myself.  But I had tons of fun "teaching" or working with those kids. Some of them are on my Facebook so that is cool. :) It's nice seeing how they are doing these days. :) 
For our essay writing days I would research good debate topics online and have them write essays for or against different things, like is watching TV good or bad etc.  It was awesome! I loved being able to come up with writing topics, and I loved my experience with those kids!  I also would bring in nature calendar pictures and had them imagine that they were in the picture and to write about what it was like etc.  That was cool too. :) 
 I hope all my former Carden students prosper and do well in life and find great spouses for themselves! lol They are all around 18 and going to college now so that's cool.  Hope you are all doing ok out there Carden students! I loved all of you so much! :) May God bless you all! 

The 3 Worst Things About Labor

The three things I was dreading most about my delivery was the pelvic exam, where they check how dialated you are, which still beyond sucked but oh well. lol
Secondly I dreaded getting my IV in, but it wasn't too bad this time, praise God!
And lastly I dreaded getting the stitches after delivery. Last time that was by far the worst part because the doctor went too quickly and didn't fully deaden the area first. I was pretty mad about that and I literally felt every stitch he did. It was completely insane really. :( But the doctor this time did a much better job and was much nicer! woot!
So the pelvic exam part still sucked but the rest of it really wasn't too bad. The contractions were much more bearable with my mom or hubby laying on my legs to keep them calm.
The nurses had to draw my blood a bit but it wasn't too bad. I have the MOST invisible veins in the world it would seem but all went well. :) My nurses were all very competent and nice. I felt well cared for overall.
The meals were great and all the hospital staff made sure I was very comfortable at all times.
Praise God for all of them and may God bless them all for taking such GOOD care of me! Amen! :) God bless!

Monday, October 19, 2015


My Mom is Great!

I was thinking today about how totally amazing my mom is!  My hubby's mom is pretty amazing and wonderful too!  PRAISE GOD for both of them! :)

But I've always had some anger at my mom over mistakes she made when raising me, times when she lost her temper, but I'm pretty sure every kid has a little anger at their parents over something. :(
But overall she was pretty stellar!  yay for my mom! 

I was thinking about how holy and sanctified my high school felt actually.  It wasn't a private school; it was public.  But I think it felt sanctified because my mom and my friend's mom would literally pray every Saturday at our campus, like over the campus, for an hour or two!  Pretty totally amazing I think!  I admire so much her commitment and dedication to that and to trying to ensure that I had the best school experience possible through her prayers!

The power of a praying mom truly is amazing!

Here is why I think her prayers really did something: 

At my high school there were never any big drug issues, never any big violence issues.  No reports of anyone bringing any weapons to school at all.  Most kids were staying pure and not sleeping around.

The teachers were totally amazing and they were all super inspiring and kind!  At least the ones I had. :) That was partly why I've always wanted to become a high school teacher too so I can be as awesome as they were lol  Especially Mr. Woods was super awesome!  Maybe someday. :)

All the kids at Tustin High were smart pretty much and really seemed to care about their education. 
It was just a totally amazing and wonderful high school!  And it was possibly all thanks to my mom's prayers lol that is so cool really!

I hope I can be as much of an awesome mom as my mom was as my little daughters grow up!  Yes she made mistakes but all parents do of course. 

I love my mom so much and I'm so so so lucky to have her for a mom! Praise God for her! :)

My Labor Story

My Labor Story

My second daughter, Joy Faith Bedrick, was born at 3:20pm on Oct. 17th.  She will have the same birthday as my uncle actually. :)  She was 21 inches 8.5 lbs.  It was an all natural childbirth with no pain meds at all, which was quite an experience for sure!  But praise God that he got me through it! And praise God for my wonderful husband and awesome mom that helped me SO much today! So thankful for both of them!

Today I'm in the hospital recovering but can't sleep much.  They make us stay for 24 hours after we deliver here in Midland, Texas. :)  When you have a baby remember to bring a fan to help drown out hallway noise so you can sleep lol 

But today went very well I would say!  I progressed from 0 centimeters to 7 in literally like an hour. Pretty crazy. It really seemed like a full on miracle actually!  I didn't even have that many contractions in that hour; only about one every 10 minutes that only lasted about 30 seconds each.  So the 5,1,1 rule isn't always accurate. :)  We, me, my mom and hubby were praying in that hour and I think God literally supernaturally progressed my labor!  woohoo!  They were actually about to send me home because I wasn't dilated much at all.  But praise God I got to get it over with, because I really wanted to at that point! lol :)  My "mucus plug" had come out 12 hours before that so I knew labor was imminent.  And my contractions had started which was why we went to the hospital but the nurse literally told me I wasn't in "real labor."  I was thinking "ha yeah right, I know what labor feels like and this is it thank you." lol :)  So praise God I did dilate so quickly after that or they would have sent me home. :(  Thank you Jesus for that! :)

One thing that helped a ton in my time of labor was that my mom and hubby took turns literally laying their chest on my legs lol It was my mom's idea and it was a great one!  For some reason legs get really shaky in delivery so that helped a ton to calm my legs down.

I didn't have any pain killing drugs whatsoever I felt absolutely everything!  There just wasn't time to give me anything with how quickly things progressed. Crowning is by far the most painful part. It took me a good 6 or 7 pushes to get baby Joy out because she was 19 inches long! And when she did come out my goodness the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck three times and she didn't cry for a full 20 seconds. It was sad and it scared Ben and I half to death for sure! :(

But she seems to be perfectly healthy and happy now as though nothing happened praise God!  But please pray that won't affect her at all in the future, like in her development. Thank you dear friends!  I appreciate your prayers! :)
May God bless you all!

Other thoughts on my labor:

It's funny all the little things we take for granted, like just being able to walk lol. That gets pretty hard in pregnancy and after having a baby.

Serenity's head when she was born was almost twice the size of Joy's head lol :) I don't know if that means she has a bigger brain and she will always be smarter than Joy. Who knows. But I had a third degree laceration with Serenity I'm pretty sure but with Joy it was just a first degree laceration. Praise God! Because that is why this time around breastfeeding is even possible. Last time I pretty much could not sit up at all for a whole month or so. It was way too painful. The doctor cut me last time, but not this time. I have read that them cutting can cause a greater tear than would have happened on it's own. So for any about to have a baby, opting to not have them cut you is probably the best option I think. :) And if you are about to have a baby, good luck! It always helps to remember the excruciating pain only lasts for a few hours. :)

Currently my mom is helping me out a lot since I'm recovering from my labor. The cramps are no fun. Today she did my dishes, laundry and mopped my floors. What a stellar mom! Thank u mom!

Also I'm currently working on mastering the art of breast feeding and pumping. Yay! I didn't do that great with my first daughter. But this time I got the most wonderful breast pump. Ladies the yellow Medela breast pump works great! Love it! I totally feel like if I can master this breastfeeding thing why not have like 5 more kids lol that could be pretty awesome! And I think Ben and my kids would all be like the next mother Theresa's and Billy Grahams lol yeah! maybe


I think parents have their heart more turned on with their first kid, so to speak, and their mind turned on more with their second kid. :) Meaning there is kind of a "been there done that" mentality with the second, which is good but also not as exciting. There is tons of excitement with the first kid, almost a euphoria really. I wonder if that's why the oldest in the Bible always got all the inheritance, because there is a special bond parents have with their ...first child more so than the rest I think. Well Joy will be coming home from the hospital tomorrow and I really pray Serenity won't feel replaced at all. And I pray Joy won't ever feel like the "second child." I was actually crying about it a bit earlier. Sibling rivalry ah....Cain and Able....that whole issue of siblings competing and the possible unrest. But! Hopefully there won't be too much jealousy between these two precious little daughters of mine. May God help them to always get along and to always, always love each other. Amen! God bless! :)

Friday, October 16, 2015

Baby is Coming!

Ah....I'm having the first signs that my delivery will be in the next day or two. Pray for me please! Getting nervous lol I am about 5 days over my due date so it makes sense. The first time I was nervous but this time much more so cause I know very well how painful it will be! God help me lol Joy, our second daughter, will probably be arriving in about one or two days!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

On Jerks

The real problems in the world are not jerks, but rather the "nice" people who allow the jerks to be jerks.  Because if jerks were not allowed to be jerks, jerks would not exist.

In psychology this is called co-dependency, or the inability to stand up to and confront others. 

A great example of this is the rule and reign of Hitler.  Everyone around him was too afraid to confront him, and so thousands of people were needlessly killed. 

And there are little Hitlers running around all over the place.  People who try to boss others around.  They try to dominate others out of fear etc. and no one says anything to them, no one confronts them, because they are too afraid.

There are Hitlers in churches, in work places, in homes.  And the only reason they are allowed to remain Hitlers is because someone is spoiling them.  Someone is creating and perpetuating the monster.  Someone is not standing up to them. 

So if you are confronted with a jerk, do society a favor and confront them.  Stand up to them.  Don't let jerks get away with being jerks.  Don't ever feel like you deserve such treatment.  Such people need to know that jerky behavior is not ok, or else they will never change.  May God give you the courage to stand up to any jerks in your life.  God bless! :)

On Feeling Different

For some reason most of my life I have felt different and even inferior to others. 

Most women are always comparing our looks to other women.  I always felt inferior to the girls in school who had the stylish clothes and the perfect hair and the perfect make up.  I always felt inferior to the rich kids since my family was never that rich.  I felt inferior to my fellow basketball players who got more time playing and performed better in games. 

I'm not entirely sure where this inferiority complex came from.  I suppose all people struggle with this at times.  Rick Warren's advice is that to have happiness we need to just stop comparing ourselves to others completely.  That is a very good tip for sure. 

But by nature we always want to see how we measure up to those around us.  School mainly raises us and programs us to do this, thanks to the grading system.  You always know where you stand compared to others based on your grades on tests, homework and in the class.  Teachers generally have favorites so you know how you rank in their eyes. 

My mom and dad struggled with this feeling of inferiority to others so maybe I just picked it up from them and mirrored their insecurities.  Who knows. 

I had a few things going for me though.  I was always coordinated in sports, so P.E. and recess felt like my time to shine somewhat.  That was the time when I always felt better about myself.  I also generally was successful on tests etc. so that helped to boost my confidence as well. 

I always had friends, at least a couple.  I can't remember a time when I didn't have any friends.  I was very lucky to always have a big brother to hang out with. 

But something about me just felt different.  For the most part I felt that I didn't fit in. 

I was talking to my mom earlier and analyzing the fact that I have never wanted to let myself succeed too much in anything.  I think partly I always had a fear of success because I had a fear of becoming prideful.  I saw that the people who were at the top in any area of life, grades, looks, friends, sports, and that they were stuffed with pride.  I didn't want to be like that and I didn't want to be the jerks that they appeared to be.  So I preferred to not shine too much and to not perform overly well. 

In a book I read by John Eldridge he was saying that we don't fear our failure as much as we fear our own success.  We fear shinning too brightly.  For one because that can evoke jealousy in others and create enemies for ourselves, so that makes sense.  It's much easier to just be average and mediocre, then you don't attract any attention.  Granted some attention will be good but some will be bad. 

So most of us prefer to just coast through life and take the easy road.  We prefer to blend in and be just like everyone else, because it feels more safe. 

In the movie the Dead Poet's Society, Robin Williams illustrates this to his class by having them do a walking exercise.  He notes that after awhile they all start to walk in sync.  This is what we do in life, because our desire to conform and blend in is so great. 

We don't like to feel different from others.  But the fact is, we are all different.  God made each of us unique.  So I suppose the ideal thing to do is to focus on what unique things about us are good, rather than focus on the unique things about us that we don't like.  If we were like everyone else where would the fun in that be?  We wouldn't have anything special to contribute to society.  But it is because we are different from others that we have something to contribute.  Amen. 

My grandma always used to tell me, "You are special and God made something for you to do that nobody else can do."  So what is your special thing that God made for you to do?  I hope you find out soon. :)  God made you special too, for a purpose.  May God give you wisdom on how you can contribute to the world and the confidence to do so. God bless!

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Benefits of Being a Stay at Home Mom

Being a stay at home mom is at times the hardest job in the world but at other times the easiest. The hardest part about it is trying to be as patient and understanding as you can when your child is acting up or being difficult. But the easy part about it is that you get to remain in the comfort of your own home. :) Here are the main benefits to being a stay at home mom, and all the reasons I don't miss having a "normal" job:

You get to eat whenever you want. You don't have to wait for a break at work.

You can watch whatever you want on TV or movies.

You get to take naps. :)

You don't have to deal with getting stuck in traffic or bad weather.

What you wear doesn't matter much.

You don't have to worry about having a boss.

There are downsides too though:

You are responsible 24/7 for the safety of a child.

You have to make sure that child is not hungry or in a dirty diaper too long.

You have to have the utmost patience in situations when it can be very hard to have patience.

Your sleep gets interrupted very, very often and you miss the days when you could sleep until you wanted to wake up rather than being woken up all the time.

But the joys of full time motherhood greatly outweigh the down sides. When you are with your child 24/7 you know that they are safe. You don't have to worry about them at all. You don't miss out on new words or new things that they do. You form a bond more and more every day with your child etc.

In our modern society greatly affected by feminism, women are taught that working outside the home is far better than being a stay at home mom. That is very sad and beyond not true. In order for kids to get the full attention and love that they need, they need to be with their mother 24/7. Perhaps that it just me being old fashioned, but the fact is, no other human being can really fill the place of a mother for a child.

Most families could make this happen, the mother staying home, if they would be willing to downsize and live in a mobile home for example, but many would rather have plenty of money than care fully for their child. And that is why the children of America are turning out the way that they are. :( May God help us Americans to be more family minded though. And may mothers be able to stay home with their kids more, so that their kids get all the love and attention that they deserve. Amen. God bless!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Addiction to Endorphines

Whenever you cause your body pain, endorphines are released, which is a hormone that makes you happy. This is a survival mechanism of the body. It helps if we get a limb cut off etc. to keep us from feeling the full force of the pain.

The same is true when we work out. We are causing our body pain actually, and so endorphines are released. This why working out can become addictive to some people. Working out can be good but all things in moderation are best of course.

The same goes for when people smoke. Smoking hurts the body, slowly kills the body really, and so the body releases endorphines. The same is true for over eating. In that you are also hurting your body and so endorphines are released.

The same is also true for people who cut themselves. They are causing themselves pain, so the reason it might actually make them feel better is because of the release of endorphines.

Obviously the best option is to release endorphines by doing positive things. Doing something where you feel that your life has meaning and purpose can release endorphines. Hugging others and showing love also can. Having a pet and caring for a pet can. Serving others can release endorphines etc.

May we all learn healthy ways to release the happy chemical of endorphines in our bodies rather than in things that are destructive to the body. Amen. God bless!



Pain Can Lead to Holliness

There are three basic explanations that I always tell myself when it comes to why there is evil in the world. Of course we all often ask ourselves, why does a good and all powerful God allow evil? The first comforting concept for me is the verse that "God's ways are higher than our ways." Therefore, we don't understand everything the way God does because our minds are limited and finite. We can't see the whole picture. It helps to think that what we perceive to be bad, may not actually be bad. In the end what we think is bad, might actually turn out to be good. For example, hindsight is 20/20. You can look back on your life and thank God that you didn't marry certain people that you thought you wanted to. God sees the whole picture, we don't.

The second verse I always like to think about is that "God works all things together for the good of those who love Him." So something may seem bad for a time, but God promises to work it out for good somehow. Maybe the pain you went through or are going through will help you to be more compassionate and sympathetic toward someone else going through the same pain or any pain. As Paul says, we can comfort others with the comfort we ourselves received from God.

The third thing that I try to remember is that pain in our lives can lead to us becoming more holy people. Paul says in Romans 5:4, "We also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope." When we go through hard times, our character is improved. It seems an odd concept that we can "exult in our tribulations." Of course your emotions won't be overjoyed when you experience pain. But he is talking about keeping an eternal perspective regarding pain. If we can see that the outcome might be us having a better character, we can see that there can be some benefit in us going through pain. For example, in the case of working out, it is painful at the time, but later on we feel better and more healthy. So it is with emotional pain in our lives as well. It can make us more healthy in that we can become more sympathic and kind people.

You can see this if you look at two people who have had totally different lives. One may have been through the fire, it would seem, and has had almost every trial imaginable happen to them. Generally they are a more humble person and more compassionate towards others. Generally they are more wise and well rounded. Granted trials can make someone turn out bitter, but for some it improves their character, because they choose to let it. Then you can have another person who has almost never had to suffer. They can be the most spoiled, callous and insensitive person ever. Why? Because they have never had to go through anything hard. They don't know what the pain of others feels like because they have almost never had to experience pain. So which person would you rather be? Can you see now maybe why God let you go through some hard times, because it can make you a more kind person?

Pain in our lives generally leads us to being more loving people, and so it can lead to us being more holy. God is holy and our objective is to become more and more holy like God. The main pathway to holliness is love. Selfishness leads to sin and love leads to holliness.

May God help us all to grow in our ability to really love others the way that He does. May he make us more gentle and compassionate when others are in pain. May we be more quick to love than to judge others. Amen. God bless!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

How To Be Content

Hebrews 13:5

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

For those of us who are believers, God has promised to meet all our needs. Paul said, "My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." We just have to have faith that he will. The more faith that we have in this, the less we will feel that we need to depend on money.

But the more that we love money, the less we trust God. We start to look to money to meet all our needs instead of God. When we love money and depend on money too much, we are forgetting that it is GOD that supplies all of our needs and not our jobs or our bank account. "He owns that cattle on a thousand hills." He can provide for us and He will if we ask him to. As long as we will admit that we need him, he will provide for us. God "gives grace to the humble." Amen. :)

The key to not loving money is to "be content with what you have." The Bible also says, "Godliness with contentment is great gain." Why? Because if you can be content with where you are now, you will be a much happier person. You won't be always bitter over things you don't have. You will be thankful and feel grateful for your lot in life, whatever it is.

But when we start to get discontent, we start to look to money to take away our discontentment. But money cannot do that. We have to do that ourselves, and we have to pray that God can help us with that. Amen. :) We can start to think that this next thing that we buy will make us happy and content. But we if can't be content with little, we will also not be content with much.

If you can't be grateful for the things you already have, you won't be grateful for anything new that you might get either. Having more will not make you more content. The only way to find contentment is in changing your mind and the way you think. As Paul says, "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind." You have to change the way you think about things and money. You have to force yourself to be grateful for what you already have, rather than always wanting more. You have to see that it is all lies from Satan that tell you that the next thing you buy will make you happy. Things WON'T make you happy. You have to make yourself happy. You have to chose to be happy. If you aren't happy with what you have now, having more won't make you happy either. It might for a time, but it will be a short lived happiness.

So learn to be content with where you are in life. Don't always think the grass is greener on the other side. It's not. It's just your perception of it and you thinking that it is. But the reality is, no matter where we are in life we will have troubles and hardship. Nothing will make us perfectly happy no matter what. The sooner you can learn to accept that, the sooner you will be able to be content with where you currently are. Amen. God bless!

And here is the best sermon I have ever heard on the topic of contentment.  Check it out ;)

Loosing One's Salvation Over Money

1 Timothy 6:10

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."

 I have not written on this topic for awhile, but I truly believe that one's salvation can be lost.  Why?  Because there is the parable of the seeds, where some seeds seemed to take root for a time but then were choked out by the cares of this life etc.  Mt. 13, "The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful."

Also Jesus said, "If any branch in me does not bear fruit it is cut off and thrown into the fire." I don't know what else that can mean except that a person was saved and then they weren't. God cut them off because they did not bear fruit. As James says, "Faith without works is dead. Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by what I do." Also there is the verse "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling." This seems to imply that it can be lost and that is why we should have fear and trembling.    

So this verse in Timothy illuminates this occurrence a little better I think. Paul says to Timothy that the reason some wander away from the faith is because they start to love money. Jesus said you cannot serve two masters; you cannot love both God and money. Either we love God or we love money, bottom line. Some may start off in their faith truly just loving God, but over time, they start to love money. Then money becomes their god instead of God, and they can then loose their salvation. It's not that God turned their back on them; it's that they turned their back on God because they started to love money more than God.

Why is the love of money the root all kinds of evil?  Because it is selfish. The more we love money, the more selfish we are. Yes money is needed for life, but we are not to love it.

Also Peter said that we are not to love the world or anything in the world. We cannot love both the world and God. We have to always keep the perspective that everything in this world is temporal. As Paul said, "We fix our eyes NOT on what is seen but on what is unseen." Our focus needs to be on heaven and things related to heaven, not this earth or money or anything related to the world. We must always keep an eternal perspective regarding everything. Amen.

I saw this a lot in California, where I lived most of my life. So many people there love money. The main idol of California is definitely money. It's ironic that it's nickname is the Golden State. It began with the gold rush and people searching for money and that continues to be the main pursuit of most people there. So many think they love God when in actuality they love money and they are deceived. Their true God is money, not God.

When money is our god it is because we ourselves are our own god. Our own comfort or pleasure or happiness is what our god is. We place our happiness on the thrown and use money to serve ourselves in any way we can. This is what leads to us loving money.

Instead our goal in life should be to become better people, not just striving to be happy and comfortable. Our goal should be to serve others and God, not ourselves.

The more someone seeks to be happy, the less happy they are. Why? Because it comes from greed and greed only breeds more greed. Like any sin, sin builds upon sin until we are miserable and eaten alive by it essentially.

So learn to have self control in regards to money. Learn to see it as an inordinate object that can do you good, but don't let it become something that you love. Rick Warren says that we need to love people and use money, not use people and love money. Amen. May God increase all our wisdom regarding the proper use and mindset for money. God bless!

And check out this AMAZING sermon by Joyce Meyer about money.  I love it!  One of the best sermons I've ever heard!  :)

Money Quotes

Great quotes from Joyce Meyer regarding money:

"To often we expect money without respecting money."

"There are plenty of sermons in church on how to give your money away but not enough on how to make money and save money."  Amen to that!

"It's not that you earn to little.  It's that you are spending too much."  yep.

"You can lust after anything.  To lust after something means that you can't be happy if you don't get it."  yep.

Or as I read before, we have to hold all our desires out to God with an open hand.  Amen. :)

"God is testing you to see how you act when you don't have any money and how you act when you have a lot."  yep. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I love Rick Warren!

This is a sermon I probably need to listen to EVERY DAY lol :) Check it out. It's great!

Rick Warren on "How to be Content"  

Here's a couple cool facts about Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Orange County, CA, where I used to live. :)

He used to read a book almost every day.  Pretty cool :)

His mother was both a librarian and a Christian bookstore manager.  So he learned to love books from a young age. 

His personal book library collection consists of about 35,000 books.  Wow. 

He drives a 14 year old car even though he could have bought his own island from the earnings he made off of his book sales of "The Purpose Driven Life."

His book "The Purpose Driven Life" is the best selling book of all time besides the Bible. 

He never has taken a salary from Saddleback church, because he has been savings money diligently since he was 17 years old and has always had plenty. 

He lives off of 10% of his income from his book sales and gives 90% to Saddleback church. 
The last 4 generations of the men in his family were pastors. Very cool.

And one funny one, his first two years of marriage to his wife he says were the hardest years of his life.  And he spent one fourth of his income on marital counseling. 

So for any couples out there having a hard time in marriage, know that even Rick Warren had marriage issues.  Everyone does. :)

So that's all why I love to watch Rick Warren almost every day now.  He has tons of great sermons on YouTube.  He probably is the wisest pastor I have ever listened to.  I feel like I'm really learning a lot from listening to him; about money, life, relationships, and most of all humility. Pretty cool.

God bless!