Friday, October 2, 2015

Should Christians Tithe?

I have no idea who reads what I write, but for some this might make them angry, but for others I think it could give them freedom and a sense of relief.

I have decided, for our family at least, that taxes count as tithing. I have tithed at various times in my life but I have never really felt convicted if I wasn't tithing for awhile. Tithing is meant to be 10% and it is meant to go to the poor. The goverment takes 20% of every person's pay check and it does go to the poor through Wellfare, Medicaid etc. Therefore, to give more than what is taken out in taxes does not make sense really.

It really bothers me when certain preachers talk about tithing so much. If you give to their ministry or their church, how do you know what they are spending the money on? You don't of course. They could be just using it to get bigger speakers for their church. And what's the point of that?

I really have never understood the use of thousands of dollars in general to build these giant buildings that are only occupied for about 2 hours every week. What is the point? Shouldn't that money be going to starving children in Africa instead? Yes I think so.

Much more is learned about the Bible and God and life in small groups than in the lectures on Sunday mornings anyways. More is learned in our personal study time or in discussions with others than in listening to one person teach.

Church has been turned into more of a corporation or a University. It is the same as just going to a college lecture now. Couldn't you just watch a video of the same thing at home? Yes. So what really is the point of going to church? If you are just going to go and leave and not talk to anyone, there really isn't much point to it.

Church, as it was meant to be, was where everyone participates. One person suggests a song to sing, another prays, others share what God is currently teaching them etc. What church is now is not really church. It is a college lecture and a rock concert.

Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:26, "When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up." Everything, not just one person teaching while everyone else remains quiet.
The reason why more people aren't growing in churches is because they are not set up this way. There is no way for the people to participate and there is even little room for God to participate, if you really think about it. Everything is structured and planned and organized. Yes things can be learned from sermons, but why not let more people speak rather than just the one pastor? Why not let several people give testimonies and share what God is teaching them? Wouldn't the whole church be much more edified by that? Yes.

Therefore, tithing to a church so they can build bigger buildings that simply function like universities for two hours each week does not really make much sense. If you do feel convicted and led to tithe, give to World Vision or Compassion International. Don't just give to a church corporation. Give to those who are actually in need.

And those are my thoughts on tithing. Take it or leave it. :)

God bless!

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