Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How Wives Can Help Their Husbands Out

Women are always complaining if their husband's don't help them with their housework, but what do women do to help their husbands with their jobs?

Since I met and married Ben, I've probably applied for around 40 different jobs for him. lol I'm always looking for the BEST job for him. Because he deserves the best!
If your husband is stressed all the time and hates his job, try applying for other jobs for him. Don't expect him to help you around the house if he is overly stressed from work. Fix the problem first. Get him a job that is less stressful, and then you might get the help you are wanting. It's not all about you, the wife, it's about the both of you and what can make you both happy. Figure out what he needs to be happy, rather than just thinking of what would make you more happy. Paul said, "Each of you should look out for the interests of others and not just your own interests." 

And the biggest thing that makes husbands happy is....well all wives know.  Do what they would like, within reason.  :)  They provide for you, if they are the bread winner, and they deserve to be rewarded.  Stop depriving your husband of sex ladies!  Christian women are the worst at this, as if sex is still bad in marriage or something.  Women need to talk and converse and cuddle etc. and men just need sex.  That's just the basic truth.  Watch the movie "The Ugly Truth" if you haven't already.  It's hilarious!  So give your husband sex ladies.  Once or twice a week should be good enough but every guy is different. 
God bless!

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