Friday, October 2, 2015

Hope is Key

"Be joyful in hope."  Romans 12:12

Hope is very key in life.  Some prefer to not hope because hope can make people sad.  As the Bible says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick."  But that doesn't mean we should not hope at all.

I think the two most important things in life are to see reality for what it is, but at the same time, to hope.  Hope that good things are in your future.  Amen. :)

There seems to be a theme between all the pastors that I listen to.  All seem to be on mission to talk about hope.  Joyce Meyer just wrote a book called "Get Your Hopes Up."  Rick Warren was going to or is writing a book about hope as well.  Joel Osteen has his "Night of Hope" now in cities all over America.  That seems to be the main goal of Joel Osteen, to give people hope, which I think he is very good at.  :)  Also, the worship band Hillsong United has a movie coming out soon called "Let Hope Rise."  I'm very excited to see that. 

Depression is an epidemic in our current society.  Why is that?  Perhaps because so many people have lost hope. 

Life has a way of kicking us down and making us not want to get our hopes up about anything.  Hope is daring, in a way.  Hope almost seems audacious.  :) 

But God wants us to hope.  He said, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Amen. :)

Faith is all about hoping for the best.  Faith is about believing that God has good things in store for us in the future.  Faith is believing that God really will work all things out for the good of those who love Him. 

Faith and Hope are what keep us going in life.  When times get hard, we can have the hope that the sun WILL come out after the rain, and that there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel we might be in.  As the Bible says, "Though sorrow may last for the night, joy comes in the morning." 

No matter how many hard times we go through, we have to keep our hope alive.  That is what keeps us from feeling overwhelmed or depressed.  As the Bible says, "The joy of the Lord of your strength."  There is great joy in hope.  Remember to hope in God, hope in others, and hope in good times in the future.

Always have hope.  Always believe.  Always have faith.  Amen. 

God bless!

Also here are some great verses about hope:

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