Monday, October 16, 2023

Azusa Street Revival

 I just watched a video about this event. I have always wondered if it was real or not, if it was God working or Satan working in people there. I was almost going to go to Azusa University in CA, but I picked Biola instead. I am glad I did. I may have learned some false teaching at the Azusa college, or maybe not. 

This event lasted over 3 years and it was led by a former slave. It is possible he had a lot of humility and that is why God used him. I am always skeptical of things like this though. 

These things are tricky because Satan easily attacks when people seek supernatural experiences too much. Satan might have said to all of them, "Yeah I'll give you a supernatural experience." People falling or shaking or even tongues isn't always of God. You have to test the spirits. It is hard in the moment to test the spirits. If you truly know God, you will know what is from him and what isn't. You will have a peace in your spirit about anything supernatural if it's of God. If you feel unsure about it, be careful and proceed with caution. Don't just go running into a spiritual storm, it could be called. Angels and demons and people shaking. Just be careful of "revivals" like this one. 

That is how my ex went crazy, lack of discernment in things like that. That was the main reason. He got into Charismania too much. He opened himself up too much to too many things. Hopefully he is wiser now and more cautious with such things. 

The Bible says guard your heart. You need to do that with people and for sure with spiritual entities. Don't just let any spirit in. There is no get rich quick scheme, and there is no get close to God quick scheme either. You have to walk it out, study the word, pray constantly. Getting closer to God comes mainly from gradual intense growth. Growing with God is like a cross country race, not a sprint. For some it might be a sprint but easy in, easy out right? If you easily get close to God and it takes little effort, how easy is it to lose that and fall away? It might feel like just some fun thing you did once and that is all it is for some. 

Seek God more than supernatural things in general. The whole world seeks after supernatural things, hence horror movies. Seeking after God is different. Hopefully you always will see the difference. 

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