Sunday, June 2, 2024

Why Some Become Gay

 Reasons why more people aren't gay...

A fear of going to hell 

Being shunned by family members 

Possible job issues due to homophobic people 


Reasons why many become gay....

Fear of pregnancy 

Fear of being a parent 

Childhood sexual abuse that caused anger at the opposite sex or "love" toward the same gender 

Being too close with a long time same sex friend 

Not having much luck in dating 

Maybe their parent pretended they were the opposite gender 

Wishing they were the opposite gender because it seems to be better 

I will say I was molested as a child. I always wished I was a man, because men can do more things. But I never considered being lesbian because I care what God said in the Bible. And y'all should too. 🤗

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