Sunday, April 10, 2022


The main quote that helped me when I was a teacher was, "When you loose control, you become controlling." One of my favorite verses is "Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." You can give people freedom and still maintain control. The trick is to be nice. Then people will Want to follow you out of love rather then feeling forced to out of fear. Communism is all about control. Dictators instill fear into their people to force them to be subservient. But how do those countries look? There is poverty and misery all over. Why is America so great? Because we give our people freedom. You can live anywhere you want, do any job you want and become whatever you want to become. Our people are empowered and feel stronger and happier due to freedom. Freedom says, "I trust you. I believe in you." The more someone tries to control you or treat you like a kid, the more they are saying you don't have what it takes. I don't believe you can do it on your own. Let other people go. Don't try to dominate and control and micromanage them. Let them fly on their own and watch then soar. :) Take the training wheels off and let them be the adults that they are. Freedom is beautiful. Let others be free. 

May God bless you all! 

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