Wednesday, November 8, 2023


 When I was pregnant about a year ago, I had thought of working at a Michael's craft store. I interviewed with a woman and I couldn't really tell if she was a woman or a man. That made me not really want to work there. Granted I could have helped her to embrace her womanhood possibly. It is a bummer though that that bothered me, because I could have made a lot working there. I could have a bigger savings now. 

Who has the problem in that situation? Me for being freaked out by someone looking gay, or the person who pretty much wants to freak everyone out by looking strange? Most people in our world now would say I have the issue. "Just let people look however they want to." Ok, but in customer service, you are supposed to look nice and presentable. You are supposed to look good to the general public. You can't look odd when dealing with customers. I guess I foresaw that not going well in dealing with customers. 

Either way, it just freaks me out, and it freaks out most people if they are honest, when you can't tell what gender someone is. Women should look like women, with long hair and feminine clothes. Men should look like men, with short hair and only guy clothes. No more wearing pink men. Honestly. I wish that everyone would look the gender that they were born with again and that our great nation could go back to being normal again.  

Instead of working at Michael's, I wrote tons of self-published books that are on Amazon. Search Lisa Bedrick books to check them out. :)

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