Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How to Understand the Detrimental Effects of Feminism

No ideology has damaged our society and the family unit more than feminism. People think that feminists are for women, but actually, they are against women. Due to feminism, more is expected of women now. It used to be that a woman's life was very simple; raise children, cook and clean the house etc. But now women are expected to not only cook, clean, raise children but also earn part of the income as well! Feminism did not set women free; it rather loaded more work on the backs of the women in our society.


1. Realize that feminism has caused society to expect too much of women.

Because of feminism, the bar has greatly been raised for women. It is good that women are educated now and go to college, but now the expectation has gone to the exteme that women need to be intelligent and the top of their class. You may not realize that this thinking has permeated our culture, but it very much has on a sub-conscious level. Think about it, if a boy fails something in school, it is easily excused. People might say, "Oh well it's because he is a boy and boys have a harder time in school." But if a woman fails at something what do her parents say? "What happened?! We expected so much more of you!" About 100 years ago it was the other way around. Men were expected to excel and women were not as much. It is good that people think women are capable of more now, but it also makes people harder on women than on men, or on girls than on boys, which is not fair.

2. Feminism has turned women into men, essentially.

When it comes to dating, men are no longer the aggressors, women are! Every women's magazine is full of tips on how to track down and seduce guys! It used to be that women would run away from men and men would chase them, but now the women are chasing the men! Men may think that they like this, but overall, it is not appealing to men and it actually scares them. Why would a man be attracted to a woman that is acting like a man? This is probably why there are so many issues now in the dating world. Women are confused about how to be women and they aren't letting the men be men, which then carries over into marriages and might be the cause of many divorces. This is very sad.

3. Feminism has taken away any sense of modesty for women.

Since women are now chasing men, they are showing off their bodies a LOT more than they have at any other time in history. Well in history, the only women who did show off their bodies were prostitutes. Feminism has sold women the lie that they have to appear sexy to every single man out there, but do the women benefit from this? No! The men do! So is feminism really for women, or is it for men? If would seem that feminism actually benefits men a LOT more than it benefits women. This is the main reason why feminism was probably secretly a man's idea, not a woman's. Another reason is because with the advent of feminism, less is expected of men. Women are now doing everything and men can do less.

4. Feminism makes men lazy and expendable.

Think about it, if women are now able to work and earn an income, what is then needed from the men? Nothing. This is why most men park in front of a TV now while women do all the work. And this is also why women then leave and divorce their men, because they don't really need them. Sorry to say, but the main benefit that a man can give to a woman is security and earning an income. The ugly truth is that men marry women for sex and women marry for men for the money they can provide for the family. If it weren't for men earning the income, few women, unless they are Christian, would be willing to put up with certain things that men do. The reason wives can have patience with their husbands, or force themselves to, is if they need their husbands to provide for their family. But if the woman can provide her own income, why does she need a man? So in men thinking they were getting an easy way out in feminism, they actually are not. It has made women almost too independent so now women almost don't really need a man or want to marry since they can do everything themselves now.

5. Feminism causes children to grow up as orphans.

Now that both the father and mother are working, children are left to fend for themselves. Television is now largely raising children. Children are learning their morals and ethics now from online sites, friends, magazines etc. instead of from their parents. And we wonder what has happened to America. This is what; women decided that they needed to work and neglect their children. It might be that depression is such an epidemic in America today because no one is doing what they really want to. The women are working, but most would rather be home with their children. The children wish that they mother was there but most of the time she isn't. And the men are being bossed around by their tired, stressed, and over-worked wives most of the time. Thus the breakdown of the family. Feminism is the main reason why most of America is not happy and depressed. Things are not as they should be; things are not as God intended them to be, with the man as the bread winner, the wife raising the children and the children actually obeying their parents. Something went very wrong in America and that was the advent of feminism.

  If you can, go back to the traditional family roles, at least for your own family. Texas has an oil boom at the moment and there are countless high paying jobs for men. If you want your man to be able to provide for the whole family, move here to Texas. :

Women, if you do work and have kids, make as much time for your children as is possible.

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