Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to Understand the Spiritual Gifts

Most people only know about some of the spiritual gifts but not all of them. Here is a complete list of what they are from 1 Cor. 12:4-11, Romans 12:6-8 and Ephesians 4:11-13. The spiritual gifts are: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment, Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Ministering, Exhortation, Giving, Leadership and Evangelism. Here are some details on each gift so that you can understand what they are.



1. Some of the spiritual gifts relate to wisdom.
To have a word of wisdom would be if you have a teaching from the Bible. Pastors and teachers have the gift of word of wisdom because they are able to explain the wisdom in the Bible.

Word of knowledge is wisdom in a different way. It is when God gives you a fact about someone that you couldn't know if God didn't tell you. Often times when you tell the person it is something that will edify them and confirm to them that God cares about them.

2. There are supernatural gifts and they DO still exist today.
The most commonly talked about one is the gift of speaking in other tongues. This is another language like French or Spanish that the speaker did not know before. This can be used in evangelism in a country where the person with the gift didn't already know the language, or it can be used in prayer. Some say that praying in a tongue can be more effective than praying in your natural language, but it's hard to say for sure. When someone speaks in a tongue, they don't understand what they are saying, since the Holy Spirit is speaking through them.

The person with interpretation of tongues can interpret what is said into the language of the people listening.

Then there is the gift of healing. Some have more of an ability to pray for people and have them get well, through laying on of hands etc.

Miracles is another supernatural gift. This is when someone can multiply food like Jesus did or other similar things.

3. There are spiritual gifts of leadership.
There is the leader or pastor gift. This is obviously someone who is gifted to be the pastor of a church.

There is ministering, which is leadership, but in more of a behind the scenes way. A person with this gift would make a great counselor.

There is the gift of exhortation. This is usually given to people of more A type personality that are not afraid of confrontation. It is when you exhort or correct fellow believers who may be living in sin etc. Exhorting is bringing prodigal sons back to the Lord, essentially.

Prophecy is also a leadership gift. This can be telling the future. Or it can also just be explaining prophecies that are already in the Bible, like in the book of Revelation. Some say this can also just be teaching and preaching the Word.

Evangelism is also a leadership gift, but it used outside of the church rather than inside of the church. People with the gift of evangelism have more of a desire to, and are better at, sharing the gospel with non-believers. Every Christian is called to share the gospel, but for some it is easier than for others.

4. There are other spiritual gifts that are more subtle, like faith.
Faith is when you just are able to believe more than others that things will turn out well. You are not easily swayed by circumstances and generally stay positive. You might be able to trust God easier if you have the gift of faith etc.

Discernment is another gift that is more subtle. With this gift you are more able to read people. You can tell if someone is generally good or bad. You can tell their motives and you have more insight into their true character than other people might. You might see a lot of things about other people that others do not see.

Giving is also in this category. You might find it easier than others to give money or time etc. You are a more generous person than most in everything. Your greatest joy is in giving things to others.


People can have one or almost all of the spiritual gifts. Generally, the more you use the gifts you have, the more God will give you. The parable of the talents talks about this.
You can pray for God to give you more gifts.

Not all people have one gift. Such as, not all true Christians, or "spirit filled" Christians, have the gift of tongues. That is a false teaching. Tongues is merely one of the spiritual gifts, and it is not better than any other gift.


Don't force God in any way to give you a gift, or try to force God. You can ask for a gift, but if God doesn't want to give it to you for whatever reason, let the desire for it go. God gives gifts as he wills. It is up to him, not us, who gets what gift and when.

People can't make a spiritual gift come on other people, like the gift of tongues. Only the Holy Spirit can give people this gift.

Don't become prideful about whatever gift or gifts you have. They are from God. You didn't do anything to deserve them or earn them.

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