Monday, September 7, 2015

On If Christians Can Have Evil Spirits

There is a popular teaching in some Christian circles that Christians can actually have evil spirits inside of them.  But that is simply not biblical.  In the Bible, the only human beings who had evil spirits were NON-Christians and they were obviously full blown demon possessed and it was quite apparent to everyone that they were.  They were throwing themselves into the fire and running around naked etc.  Therefore, if someone has an evil spirit in them today, it will be the same.  It will be quite obvious.

Today some Christians are saying that other Christians can have a "spirit of fear" or a "spirit of anger" etc.  But the New Testament NEVER talks about such things.  The New Testament only talks about the flesh.  It is from our flesh that we have fear or anger etc.  It is not some spirit making us doubt God or have anger at others.  We CAN'T blame everything on Satan.  We need to take responsibility for our own evil feelings and bad faults.  We need to see that WE need to do something about it.  We Christians are not powerless to evil spirits having control over our emotions.  We are children of God, and generally Satan can't touch us.  The issue is usually just us and our flesh, not Satan and evil spirits.

I think one reason why people want to say that Christians can have evil spirits is because they want a "quick fix."  They want someone to be able to cast the evil spirit out of them or off of them and then they can be good to go.  It's the same as someone into psychology believing that taking some quick fix pill will make everything all better.  But the fact is, we will simply ALWAYS struggle in this lifetime, because being alive is just hard.  We live in a fallen world and we are fallen human beings with a sin nature that we will always have to deal with.

We will simply always, ALWAYS struggle with our sin nature.  You can't cast out the sin nature out of yourself or anyone else.  We might like to think we could, but we can't.  Paul said that even what HE wanted to do he didn't do and what he did want to do he didn't do.  And Paul was almost as perfect as it gets as far as human beings go.  So if Paul even always struggled with his flesh, we will always struggle with our flesh as well.

The only reference in the New Testament to a "spirit" is when Paul says to Timothy, "God did NOT give you a spirit of fear...."  Therefore, Christians CAN NOT get a spirit of fear.  I don't see how that could mean anything different than that.  God gives us the Holy Spirit and where God dwells evil cannot dwell.  Therefore an evil spirit and the Holy Spirit absolutely cannot co-exist in our bodies or souls at the same time. 

It might be nice to think a spirit can be cast out of us and then all our problems will go away, but the fact is, that is not the truth.  Christian people have to be healed the same way the rest of the world does; through counseling, having good friends, talking out issues etc.  There isn't some quick fix to get healed.  There isn't a pill that will make everything better and there isn't someone who can cast a spirit out of you that will make everything better either.  "Time heals all wounds."  Any kind of healing will take time, and sometimes it takes a LOT of time.  We just have to be patient.

 There is no instant fix in life.  We would love for there to be because all human beings have a problem with wanting instant gratification.  But the fact is, we have to WAIT on the Lord.  What does the Bible say?  "Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength."  Amen!  Waiting on God is so key. 

So be patient for God to heal you from whatever you need to be healed from.  But don't be passive about getting healed.  God can heal you but you need to seek ways to heal yourself as well.  Seek out help.  Talk out things you struggle with with someone or journal about it.  Read good books to reprogram the way you think and renew your mind.  Read books on sexual abuse recovery if you were sexually abused.  Read books on how to live a good Christian life if you are struggling with that.  Watch sermon videos on Youtube.  Get godly, like really actually, godly counsel.  Get in a small group or in a support group.  Go to things like Celebrate Recovery. 

Don't expect your emotional and spiritual healing to be easy or instant.  Everyone who wants to be healed has to put SOME effort into it. 

Also, pray about it.  Jesus said "You have not because you ask not."  Maybe you simply aren't asking God often enough to make you whole and healthy.  In order to ask God for help we have to be humble and admit that we need help.  So tell God everyday how much you need his help and he WILL help you.  He loves to help his children.  Amen.  But He wants to see us helping ourselves too. 

So, may God heal you inside and out, but be patient with him while He does.  Learn to wait on the Lord.  But take steps to get healed yourself as well.  Amen.  May God bless you!

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