Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Our Narcissistic Generation

Francis Chan said that sociologists agree that our society is by far the most narcissistic society that has ever lived.

I suppose the main reason for this would be because of the technology that we have. No one has to wait for anything anymore. We don't have to wait for mail; we can just send an e-mail. We don't even have to wait for our computers to dial up a connection; as soon as we open our computers a world of information is at our fingertips.

Our cars run way better than cars used to. We never really have to cook anything anymore because there are so many instant meals now and fast food available everywhere we go. We have endless channels on our TV to entertain us so we never have to be bored. The majority of people have a good central AC and heating so we rarely have to be too hot or too cold for very long.

Discomfort is very rare in our modern society. That might be why have become so narcisisstic.

There was also a big kick from psychologists about self-esteem and how importnat it is that we feel good about ourselves. They pretty much encouraged parents to spoil their children in any way they could, and so now we have the most narcissistic generation that ever lived. It's good to encourage kids, but too much encouragement goes to their heads and makes them thinks they are gods and goddesses, so parents need to be careful of this.

"Spare the rod, spoil the child" but there was such a scare against physical abuse that my generation was almost never spanked or forcefully corrected. This is even worse with every passing generation. So kids are extremely spoiled now. In most homes, it's now the kids calling the shots rather than the parents.

There are so many broken homes in our modern society, so rather than parents focusing on correcting behavior, they try to get their kids to like them better than the other parent, which leads to major spoiling of kids.

Kids are allowed to grow up way too quickly now. Little girls are wearing make up and clothes that only adult women should wear. This can go to their head and make them think they deserve all the freedom and priveledges that only adults should have.

And now the narcissism has even creeped into the church. "God wants you to be rich!" "God never wants you to be sick!" etc. "Christian" teachers now say what our itching ears want to hear rather than the truth. Now we have a generation that was so spoiled by their parents and they think God will function the same way with them and give them everything they want.

We are certainly in the last days, when most are lovers of themselves for sure. May God help us.

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