Sunday, September 6, 2015

On Marriage

The degree to which a woman has her sin nature in check is the degree to which her husband will need to rule over her. Part of the curse was that the man shall rule over the woman. Why? Because the woman was the one deceived by Satan, as women now are more easily deceived by Satan.


I'm thinking of the show "I Love Lucy." Lucy is constantly over spending on money which requires Ricky to rule over her more and parent her essentially.


Granted no matter what the man is the head of the wife, but sometimes the man needs to exert more control if the wife does not have her sin nature in check. As in if she easily gives in to greed, which is common for women with shopping etc.


But if the woman is less easily tempted by Satan she can have more freedom and be controlled less, just as children who make better choices are given more freedom.


Paul says there is neither male no female now in the new covenant, except in marriage where the man is the head. This is because women still believe Satan's lies more easily than men do. Our sins and temptations are more subtle but they are still there.

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