Sunday, September 13, 2015

On Motherhood

I'm reading Joyce Meyer's new book "The Confident Mom."  It's pretty ironic that she just wrote it in 2014, and 2014 was when I became a mom. :)  Here's a great quote from it....

"Satan knows there's truth in the old saying, 'The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.'  So he's determined to do everything he can to keep our hands at least a little bit shaky."  lol  I thought that was funny.  Not literally shaky hands, but Satan wants to keep us feeling insecure so that we will not do as good of a job as we can.  It's all psychological.  If we think we can be a great mom, we will be.  If we aren't sure that we can, we might not be as good as we could have been. 

Joyce's point in the intro to this book is that none of us as moms are perfectly confident 100% of the time.  It's so true that things happen all the time that we don't expect.  Even with my 14 years of experience of working with kids before I became a mom, I still feel a little lost sometimes. :(  I still feel a bit overwhelmed at times. 

It doesn't help that when your kid(s) is getting tired is also when you are getting tired.  So they cry more and get fussy and it's exactly at the time when you don't have as much patience because you are tired.  Not fun. :)

I will admit I have yelled quite a few times at my poor and cute little one year old.  I'm certainly not proud of that, but it was out of frustration really.  And sometimes their behavior only improves if you raise your voice.  I'm sure every mom hates how being a mom can bring out a very ugly side of her.  It would be nice if we could always be nurturing and sweet, but it's pretty much impossible when you are dealing with how stressful being a mom is. 

At times being a mom is the easiest job in the world, when your kid is happy, and at other times it really is the hardest job in the world.

But may God help all of us moms to have the patience that we need, and the confidence that we need to be the best moms ever!  May he protect us from Satan's lies that if we fail in being patient etc. that we are a bad mom.  May we lean on God more and more in this tricky thing called parenting and not on our own understanding.  Amen.  God bless!

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