Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 I'm taking a break from social media. How long can I handle fasting from it? Who knows. I think all things should be given a break sometimes. Let go and let God right? Who knows who will be the next president. I will try to not care anymore.

 Who knows if the wars will ever end. I think once a war stops it's almost impossible to end it. I hope our great USA will leave Russia alone. I don't get why we always feel they are an enemy. Maybe we feel threatened by their size. Maybe we want Russia to be a second US. Who knows. I hope Biden will let Michelle or Gavin take over at some point. I don't care if Trump wins. If he does I hope the Mexicans will leave peacefully. May God help Bill Gates to stop messing up the food. We all know he is. 😢 Someone needs to limit his power. He needs to stop doing things and just watch movies all day. I pray that he will. 

I am trying to spend less money. It is a hard habit to break, online shopping. You have to kill the flesh and greed. Just say no. But it's nice to get fun things sometimes. 

Things are good with my man. I still want him to not drink alcohol but who knows if he will ever give that up. May God help me to not be afraid of alcohol. I had an ex die from drinking so it is a soft spot for me. 

My son is great. He is walking like a champ. He looks like a super cute penguin when he walks. So great. He is just so great. He is enjoying eating popcorn and chips now. Next hopefully will be apples and bananas. Junk food is a lot easier to eat though. 😁

Every afternoon when it gets hot in this old house I eat Java chip ice cream. If you haven't tried it oh my goodness it is great.

 Someday I hope the 3 of us will go in person to church again. I have a fear my son will get sick in the daycare. But maybe someday. Y'all should go. Church not just online but in person can be so nice especially if you get in a small group. :)

May God bless you all!

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