Friday, July 12, 2024


 When you're a parent it is not about you at all anymore. Your entire reason for being alive is for your kid. You can't be selfish anymore. You can't worship sleep anymore. Most days you can barely eat and it should not matter. You can't love food anymore. All your attention is on them. They are the reason you do everything that you do. 

Does this make your partner feel less than and ignored? Probably. But they are supposed to step up and grow up and help you. Men very often think their wives are supposed to be their slave. No a woman mainly has to serve her kids. An adult man should be able to take care of himself.

 I do think a mom should keep the house clean. A clean house causes a clean mind. The more messy a house feels, the more chaotic your mind will become. 

Be patient with your kid. They won't master everything right away. Children are capable of very little. It takes a long time to learn various skills. 

Love your child. They might annoy you but they deserve zero abuse. If they upset you, deal with it. They can't help being annoying. They don't mean to be annoying. 

Make sure you appreciate having a child. Tons of couples are not able to have any kids. Your kid is the best blessing you will ever get in your lifetime. 

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