Sunday, July 14, 2024


 With my daughters I held their cute little arms and guided them in walking. I did that a bit with my son. At some point I realized you just have to ignore a child for them to grow up. So I started playing around on Twitter. The more I ignored him the better he got at walking. You can't coddle a kid or they will never grow up. If I kept holding him too much to keep him from hurting himself my arms hurt. Either you will be hurt as the parent and you have to watch your child get hurt, but that is how they learn to be an adult. The first step of being an adult is walking and then eating and then school and reading and then making money. Every child has to progress quickly or it may take forever for them to grow up. You have to let them be on their own and figure it out. Sink or swim. When left on our own our survival skills get better. We get smarter. We learn and grow and mature. If you coddle anyone for too long it is never a good thing. 

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